1. Computer Basics

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

— Pablo Picasso

1.1. Problem: Buying a computer

We begin almost every chapter of this book with a motivating problem. Why? Sometimes it helps to see how tools can be applied in order to see why they’re useful. As we move through each chapter, we cover background concepts needed to solve the problem in the Concepts section, the specific technical details (usually in the form of Java syntax) required in the Syntax section, and eventually the solution to the problem in the Solution sections. If you’re not interested in the problem, that’s fine! Feel free to skip ahead to Section 1.2 on hardware and software or to Section 1.3 on data representation, especially if you already have some programming experience. Then, if you’d like to see another detailed example, the solution to this problem is available in Section 1.4 as a reference.

We’ll start with a problem that’s not about programming and may be familiar to you. Imagine you’re just about to start college and need a computer. Should you buy a Mac or PC? What kind of computer is going to run programs faster? Do some kinds of computers crash more than others? Which features are worth paying more for? Why are there so many buzzwords and so much impenetrable jargon associated with buying a computer?

When many people hear “computer science,” these are often the first questions that come to mind. Most of this book is about programming computers in a language called Java and not about the computers themselves. We try to present all material so that almost any kind of computer can be used when programming the problems and examples. Nevertheless, both the hardware that makes up your computer and the other software running on it affect the way the programs you write work.

1.2. Concepts: Hardware and software

Computers are ubiquitous. We see them nearly everywhere. They are found in most homes, shops, cars, aircraft, phones, and inside many other devices. Sometimes they are obvious, like a laptop sitting on a desk, but most computers are hidden inside other devices such as a watch or a flat-panel television. Computers can be complex or relatively simple machines. Despite their diversity, we can think of all computers in terms of their hardware and the software that runs on it.

1.2.1. Hardware

Hardware consists of the physical components that make up a computer but not the programs or data stored on it. Hardware components can be seen and touched, if you are willing to open the computer case. One way to organize hardware is to break it down into three categories: the processor, the memory, and input and output (I/O) devices.

This view of a computer is a simplified version of what is called the von Neumann architecture or a stored-program computer. It’s a good (but imperfect) model of most modern computers. In this model, a program (a list of instructions) is stored in memory. The processor loads the program and performs the instructions, some of which require the processor to do a lot of number crunching. Sometimes the processor reads data out of memory or writes new data into it. Periodically, the processor may send output to one of the output devices or receive input from one of the input devices.

In other words, the processor thinks, the memory stores, and the I/O devices talk to the outside world. The processor sits between the memory and the I/O devices. Let’s examine these categories further.

Figure 1.1 Hardware components in a typical desktop computer categorized into CPU, memory, and I/O devices.

The processor, or central processing unit (CPU), is the “brain” of a computer. It fetches instructions, decodes them, and executes them. It may send data to or from memory or I/O devices. The CPU on virtually all modern computers is a microprocessor, meaning that all the computation is done by an integrated circuit fabricated out of silicon. What are the important features of CPUs? How do we measure their speed and power?


The speed of a CPU (and indeed a computer as a whole) is often quoted in gigahertz (GHz). Hertz (Hz) is a measurement of frequency. If something happens once per second, it has a frequency of exactly 1 Hz. Perhaps the second hand on your watch moves with a frequency of 1 Hz. In North America, the current in electrical outlets alternates with a frequency of approximately 60 Hz. Sound can also be measured by frequency. The lowest-pitched sound the human ear can hear is around 20 Hz. The highest-pitched sound is around 20,000 Hz. Such a sound pulses against your eardrum 20,000 times per second. That sounds like a lot, but many modern computers operate at a frequency of 1 to 4 gigahertz. The prefix “giga” means “billion.” So, we’re talking about computers doing something more than a billion (1,000,000,000) times per second.

But what are they doing? This frequency is the clock rate, which marks how often a regular electrical signal passes through the CPU. On each tick, the CPU does some computation. How much? It depends. On some systems, simple instructions (like adding two numbers) can be computed in a single clock cycle. Other instructions can take ten or more clock cycles. Different processor designs can take different numbers of cycles to execute the same instructions. Instructions are also pipelined, meaning that one instruction is being executed while another one is being fetched from memory or decoded. Different processors can have different ways of optimizing this process. Because of these differences, the frequency of a processor as measured in gigahertz is not an accurate way to compare the effective speed of one processor to another, unless the two processors are very closely related. Even though it doesn’t really make sense, clock rate is commonly advertised as the speed of a computer.

Word size

Perhaps you have heard of a 32-bit or 64-bit computer. As we discuss in the subsection about memory, a bit is a 0 or a 1, the smallest amount of information you can record. Most new laptop and desktop computers are 64-bit machines, meaning that they operate on 64 bits at a time and can use 64-bit values as memory addresses. The instructions that they execute often perform calculations on 64-bit quantities, i.e., numbers made up of 64 0s and 1s. The size of data that a computer can operate on with a single instruction is known as its word size.

In day-to-day operations, word size is not important to most users. Certain programs that interact directly with the hardware, such as the operating system, may be affected by the word size. For example, most modern 32-bit operating systems are designed to run on a 64-bit processor, but most 64-bit operating systems do not run on a 32-bit processor.

Programs often run faster on machines with a larger word size, but they typically take up more memory. A 32-bit processor (or operating system) cannot use more than 4 gigabytes (defined below) of memory. Thus, a 64-bit computer is needed to take advantage of the larger amounts of memory that are now available.


Human brains both perform computations and store information. A computer CPU performs computations, but for the most part, does not store information. The CPU cache is the exception. Most modern CPUs have a small, very fast section of memory built right onto the chip. By guessing what information the CPU is going to use next, it can pre-load it into the cache and avoid waiting around for the slower regular memory.

Over time, caches have become more complicated and often have multiple levels. The first level is very small but incredibly fast. The second level is larger and slower. And so on. It would be preferable to have a large, first-level cache, but fast memory is expensive memory. Each level is larger, slower, and cheaper than the last.

Cache size is not a heavily advertised CPU feature, but it makes a huge difference in performance. A processor with a larger cache can often outperform a processor that’s faster in terms of clock rate.


Most laptops and desktops available today have multicore processors. These processors contain two, four, six, or even more cores. Each core is a processor capable of independently executing instructions, and they can all communicate with the same memory.

In theory, having six cores could allow your computer to run six times as fast. In practice, this speedup is hard to achieve. Learning how to get more performance out of multicore systems is a major themes of this book. Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 as well as sections marked Concurrency in other chapters are specifically tailored for students interested in programming these multicore systems to work effectively. If you aren’t interested in concurrent programming, you can skip these chapters and sections and use this book as a traditional introductory Java programming textbook. On the other hand, if you are interested in the increasingly important area of concurrent programming, Section 1.4.1 near the end of this chapter is the first Concurrency section of the book and discusses multicore processors more deeply.


Memory is where all the programs and data on a computer are stored. The memory in a computer is usually not a single piece of hardware. Instead, the storage requirements of a computer are met by many different technologies.

At the top of the pyramid of memory is primary storage, memory that the CPU can access and control directly. On desktop and laptop computers, primary storage usually takes the form of random access memory (RAM). It is called random access memory because it takes the same amount of time to access any part of RAM. Traditional RAM is volatile, meaning that its contents are lost when it’s unpowered. All programs and data must be loaded into RAM to be used by the CPU.

After primary storage comes secondary storage. The realm of secondary storage is dominated by hard drives that store data on spinning magnetic platters though flash technology is beginning to replace them. Optical drives (such as CD, DVD, and Blu-ray) and the now virtually obsolete floppy drives also fall into the category of secondary storage. Secondary storage is slower than primary storage, but it is non-volatile. Some forms of secondary storage such as CD-ROM and DVD-ROM are read only, but most are capable of reading and writing.

Before we can compare these kinds of storage effectively, we need to have a system for measuring how much they store. In modern digital computers, all data is stored as a sequence of 0s and 1s. In memory, the space that can hold either a single 0 or a single 1 is called a bit, which is short for “binary digit.”

A bit is a tiny amount of information. For organizational purposes, we call a sequence of eight bits a byte. The word size of a CPU is two or more bytes, but memory capacity is usually listed in bytes not words.

Figure 1.2 Shown here is a word containing four bytes, or 32 bits. Computer scientists often number items starting at zero, as we discuss in Chapter 6.

Both primary and secondary storage capacities have become so large that it is inconvenient to describe them in bytes. Computer scientists have borrowed prefixes from physical scientists to create suitable units.

Common units for measuring memory are bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes. Each unit is 1,024 times the size of the previous unit. You may have noticed that 210 (1,024) is almost the same as 103 (1,000). Sometimes it’s not clear which value is meant. Disk drive manufacturers always use powers of 10 when they quote the size of their disks. Thus, a 1 TB hard disk might hold 1012 (1,000,000,000,000) bytes, not 240 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes. Standards organizations have advocated that the terms kibibyte (KiB), mebibyte (MiB), gibibyte (GiB), and tebibyte (TiB) be used to refer to the units based on powers of 2 while the traditional names be used to refer only to the units based on powers of 10, but the new terms have not yet become popular.

Unit Size Bytes Practical Measure


8 bits

20 = 100

a single character

kilobyte (KB)

1,024 bytes

210 ≈ 103

a paragraph of text

megabyte (MB)

1,024 kilobytes

220 ≈ 106

a minute of MP3 music

gigabyte (GB)

1,024 megabytes

230 ≈ 109

an hour of standard definition streaming video

terabyte (TB)

1,024 gigabytes

240 ≈ 1012

80% of human memory capacity,
estimated by Raymond Kurzweil

We called memory a pyramid earlier in this section. At the top there’s a small but very fast amount of memory. As we work down the pyramid, the storage capacity grows, but the speed slows down. Of course, the pyramid for every computer is different. Below is a table that shows many kinds of memory moving from the fastest and smallest to the slowest and largest. Effective speed is hard to measure (and is changing as technology progresses), but note that each layer in the pyramid tends to be 10-100 times slower than the previous layer.

Memory Typical Capacity Use


kilobytes or megabytes

Cache is fast, temporary storage for the CPU itself. Modern CPUs have two or three levels of cache that get progressively bigger and slower.



The bulk of primary memory is RAM. RAM comes on sticks that can be swapped out to upgrade a computer.

Flash drives

gigabytes up to terabytes

Flash drives provide some of the fastest secondary storage available to regular consumers. Flash drives come as USB keychain drives but also as drives that sit inside the computer (sometimes called solid state drives or SSDs). As the price of flash drives drops, they are expected to replace hard drives entirely. Some SSDs already have capacities in the terabyte range.

Hard drives


Hard drives are still the most common secondary storage for desktops, laptops, and servers. They are limited in speed partly because of their moving parts.

Tape backup

terabytes and beyond

Some large companies still store huge quantities of information on magnetic tape. Tape performs well for long sequential accesses.

Network storage

terabytes and beyond

Storage that is accessed through a network is limited by the speed of the network. Many companies use networked computers for backup and redundancy as well as distributed computation. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others rent their network storage systems at rates based on storage size and total data throughput. These services are part of what is called cloud computing.

I/O devices

I/O devices have much more variety than CPUs or memory. Some I/O devices, such as USB ports, are permanently connected by a printed circuit board to the CPU. Other devices called peripherals are connected to a computer as needed. Their types and features are many and varied, and this book does not go deeply into how to interact with I/O devices.

Common input devices include mice, keyboards, touch pads, microphones, game pads, and drawing tablets. Common output devices include monitors, speakers, and printers. Some devices perform both input and output, such as network cards.

Remember that our view of computer hardware as CPU, memory, and I/O devices is only a model. A PCI Express socket can be considered an I/O device, but the graphics card that fits into the socket can be considered one as well. And the monitor that connects to the graphics card is yet another one. Although the graphics card is an I/O device, it has its own processor and memory, too. It’s pointless to get bogged down in details unless they are relevant to the problem you’re trying to solve. One of the most important skills in computer science is finding the right level of detail and abstraction to view a given problem.

1.2.2. Software

Without hardware computers would not exist, but software is equally important. Software consists of the programs and data that are executed and stored by the computer. The focus of this book is learning to write software.

Software includes the nearly infinite variety of computer programs. With the right tools (many of which are free), anyone can write a program that runs on a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine. Although it would be nearly impossible to list all the different kinds of software, a few categories are worth mentioning.

Operating Systems

The operating system (OS) is the software that manages the interaction between the hardware and the rest of the software. Programs called drivers are added to the OS for each hardware device. For example, when an application wants to print a document, it communicates with the printer via a printer driver that’s customized for the specific printer, the OS, and the computer hardware. The OS also schedules, runs, and manages memory for all other programs. The three most common OSes for desktop machines are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and Linux. At the present time, all three run on similar hardware based on the Intel x86 and x64 architectures.

Microsoft does not sell desktop computers, but many desktop and laptop computers come bundled with Windows. For individuals and businesses who assemble their own computer hardware, it’s also possible to purchase Windows separately. In contrast, almost all computers running macOS are sold by Apple, and macOS is usually bundled with the computer. Linux is open-source software, meaning that all the source code used to create it is freely available. In spite of Linux being free, many consumers prefer Windows or macOS because of ease of use, compatibility with specific software, and technical support. Many consumers are also unaware that hardware can be purchased separately from an OS or that Linux is a free alternative to the other two.

Other computers have OSes as well. Many kinds of mobile telephones use the Google Android OS. The Apple iPad and iPhone use the competing Apple iOS. Phones, microwave ovens, automobiles, and countless other devices have computers in them that use some kind of embedded OS.

Consider two applications running on a mobile phone with a single core CPU. One application is a web browser and the other is a music player. The user may start listening to music and then start the browser. In order to function, both applications need to access the CPU at the same time. Since the CPU only has a single core, it can execute only one instruction at a time.

Rather than forcing the user to finish listening to the song before using the web browser, the OS switches the CPU between the two applications very quickly. This switching allows the user to continue browsing while the music plays in the background. The user perceives an illusion that both applications are using the CPU at the same time.


A compiler is a kind of program that’s particularly important to programmers. Computer programs are written in special languages, such as Java, that are human readable. A compiler takes this human-readable program and turns it into instructions (often machine code) that a computer can understand.

To compile the programs in this book, you use the Java compiler javac, either directly by typing its name as a command or indirectly as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or some other tool that runs the compiler for you.

Business Applications

Many different kinds of programs fall under the umbrella of business or productivity software. Perhaps the best known is the Microsoft Office suite of tools, which includes the word-processing software Word, the spreadsheet software Excel, and the presentation software PowerPoint.

Programs in this category are often the first to come to mind when people think of software, and this category has had tremendous historical impact. The popularity of Microsoft Office led to the widespread adoption of Microsoft Windows in the 1990s. A single application that’s so desirable that a consumer is willing to buy the hardware and the OS just to be able to run it is sometimes called a killer app.

Video Games

Video games are software like other programs, but they deserve special attention because they represent an enormous, multi-billion dollar industry. They are usually challenging to program, and the video game development industry is highly competitive.

The intense 3D graphics required by modern video games have pushed hardware manufacturers such as Nvidia, AMD, and Intel to develop high-performance graphics cards for desktop and laptop computers. At the same time, companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have developed computers such as the Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One that specialize in video games but are not designed for general computing tasks.

Web Browsers

Web browsers are programs that can connect to the Internet and download and display web pages and other files. Early web browsers could only display relatively simple pages containing text and images. Because of the growing importance of communication over the Internet, web browsers have evolved to play sounds, display video, and allow for sophisticated real-time communication.

Popular web browsers include Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome. Each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of compatibility, standards compliance, security, speed, and customer support. The Opera web browser is not well known on desktop computers, but it is used on many mobile telephones.

1.3. Syntax: Data representation

After each Concepts section, this book usually has a Syntax section. Syntax is the set of rules for a language. These Syntax sections generally focus on concrete Java language features and technical specifics related to the concepts described in the chapter.

In this chapter, we’re still trying to describe computers at a general level. Consequently, the technical details we cover in this section will not be Java syntax. Although everything we say applies to Java, it also applies to many other programming languages.

1.3.1. Compilers and interpreters

This book is primarily about solving problems with computer programs. From now on, we only mention hardware when it has an impact on programming. The first step to writing a computer program is deciding what language to use.

Most humans communicate via natural languages such as Chinese, English, French, Russian, or Tamil. However, computers are poor at understanding natural languages. As a compromise, programmers write programs (instructions for a computer to follow) in a language more similar to a natural language than it is to the language understood by the CPU. These languages are called high-level languages, because they are closer to natural language (the highest level) than they are to machine language (the lowest level). We may also refer to machine language as machine code or native code.

Thousands of programming languages have been created over the years, but some of the most popular high-level languages of all time include Fortran, Cobol, Visual Basic, C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript (which is almost entirely unrelated to Java) and C#.

As we mentioned in the previous section, a compiler is a program that translates one language into another. In many cases, a compiler translates a high-level language into a low-level language that the CPU can understand and execute. Because all the work is done ahead of time, this kind of compilation is known as static or ahead-of-time compilation. In other cases, the output of the compiler is an intermediate language that’s easier for the computer to understand than the high-level language but still takes some translation before the computer can follow the instructions.

An interpreter is a program with many similarities to a compiler. However, an interpreter takes code in one language as input and, on the fly, runs each instruction on the CPU as it translates it. Interpreters generally execute code more slowly than if it had been translated to machine language before execution.

Note that both compilers and interpreters are normal programs. They are usually written in high-level languages and compiled into machine language before execution. This raises a philosophical question: If you need a compiler to create a program, where did the first compiler come from?

Figure 1.3 (a) Static compilation. (b) Interpreted execution. (c) Compilation into bytecode with later just-in-time compilation.
Example 1.1 Java compilation

Java is the popular high-level programming language we focus on in this book. The standard way to run a Java program has an extra step that many compiled languages do not. Most compilers for Java, though not all, translate a program written in Java to an intermediate language known as bytecode. This intermediate version of the high-level program is used as input for another program called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Most popular JVMs translate the bytecode into machine code that is executed directly by the CPU. This conversion from bytecode into machine code is done with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. It’s called “just-in-time” because sections of bytecode are not compiled until the moment they’re needed. Since the output is going to be used for this specific execution of the program, the JIT can do optimizations to make the final machine code run particularly well in the current environment.

Why does Java use the intermediate step of bytecode? One of Java’s design goals is to be platform independent, meaning that it can be executed on any kind of computer. This is a difficult goal because every combination of OS and CPU will need different low-level instructions. Java attacks the problem by keeping its bytecode platform independent. You can compile a program into bytecode on a Windows machine and then run the bytecode on a JVM in a macOS environment. Part of the work is platform independent, and part is not. Each JVM must be tailored to the combination of OS and hardware that it runs on. Sun Microsystems, Inc., the original developer of the Java language and the JVM, marketed this feature of the language with the slogan “Write once, run anywhere.”

Sun Microsystems was bought by Oracle Corporation in 2009. Oracle continues to produce HotSpot, the standard JVM, but many other JVMs exist, including Apache Harmony and Dalvik, the Google Android JVM.

1.3.2. Numbers

All data inside of a computer is represented with numbers. Although humans use numbers in our daily lives, the representation and manipulation of numbers by computers function differently. In this subsection we introduce the notions of number systems, bases, conversion from one base to another, and arithmetic in arbitrary number systems.

A few number systems

A number system is a way to represent numbers. It’s easy to confuse the numeral that represents the number with the number itself. You might think of the number ten as “10”, a numeral made of two symbols, but the number itself is the concept of ten-ness. You could express that quantity by holding up all your fingers, with the symbol “X”, or by knocking ten times.

Representing ten with “10” is an example of a positional number system, namely base 10. In a positional number system, the position of the digits determines the magnitude they represent. For example, the numeral 3,432 contains the digit 3 twice. The first time, it represents three groups of one thousand. The second time, it represents three groups of ten. In contrast, the Roman numeral system is an example of a number system that is not positional.

The numeral 3,432 and possibly every other normally written number you’ve seen is expressed in base 10 or the decimal system. It’s called base 10 because, as you move from the rightmost digit leftward, the value of each position goes up by a factor of 10. Also, in base 10, ten is the smallest positive integer that requires two digits for representation. Each smaller number has its own digit: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Representing ten requires two existing digits to be combined. Every base has the property that the number it’s named after takes two digits to write, namely “1” and “0.” (An exception is base 1, which does not behave like the other bases and is not a normal positional number system.)

Example 1.2 Decimal numbers

The number 723 can be written as 723 = 7 · 102 + 2 · 101 + 3 · 100.

Note that the rightmost digit is the ones place, which is equivalent to 100. Be sure to start with b0 and not b1 when considering the value of a number written in base b, no matter what b is. The second digit from the right is multiplied by 101, and so on. The product of a digit and the corresponding power of 10 tells us how much a digit contributes to the number. In the above expansion, digit 7 contributes 700 to the number 723. Digits 2 and 3 contribute, respectively, 20 and 3 to 723.

As we move to the right, the power of 10 goes down by one, and this pattern works even for negative powers of 10. If we expand the fractional value 0.324, we get 0.324 = 3 · 10-1 + 2 · 10-2 + 4 · 10-3.

We can combine the above two numbers to get 723.324 = 7 · 102 + 2 · 101 + 3 · 100 + 3 · 10-1 + 2 · 10-2 + 4 · 10-3.

We can extend these ideas to any base, checking our logic against the familiar base 10. Suppose that a numeral consists of n symbols sn-1, sn-2, …, s1, s0. Furthermore, suppose that this numeral belongs to the base b number system. We can expand the value of this numeral as:

sn-1 sn-2s1 s0 = sn-1 · bn-1 + sn-2 · bn-2 + … + s1 · b1 + s0 · b0

The leftmost symbol in the numeral is the highest order digit and the rightmost symbol is the lowest order digit. For example, in the decimal numeral 492, 4 is the highest order digit and 2 the lowest order digit.

Fractions can be expanded in a similar manner. For example, a fraction with n symbols s1, s2, …, sn-1, sn in a number system with base b can be expanded to:

0.s1 s2sn-2 sn-1 = s1 · b-1 + s2 · b-2 + … + sn-1 · b-n+1 + sn · b-n

As computer scientists, we have a special interest in base 2 because that’s the base used to express numbers inside of computers. Base 2 is also called binary. The only symbols allowed to represent numbers in binary are “0” and “1”, the binary digits or bits.

In the binary numeral 10011, the leftmost 1 is the highest order bit and the rightmost 0 is the lowest order bit. By the rules of positional number systems, the highest order bit represents 1 · 24 = 16.

Example 1.3 Binary numbers

Examples of numbers written in binary are 1002, 1112, 101012, and 110000012. Recall that the base of the binary number system is 2. Thus, we can write a number in binary as the sum of products of powers of 2. For example, the numeral 100112 can be expanded to:

100112 = 1 · 24 + 0 · 23 + 0 · 22 + 1 · 21 + 1 · 20 = 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 19

By expanding the number, we’ve also shown how to convert a binary numeral into a decimal numeral. Remember that both 100112 and 19 represent the same value, namely nineteen. The conversion between bases changes only the way the number is written. As before, the rightmost bit is multiplied by 20 to determine its contribution to the binary number. The bit to its left is multiplied by 21 to determine its contribution, and so on. In this case, the leftmost 1 contributes 1 · 24 = 16 to the value.

Another useful number system is base 16, also known as hexadecimal. Hexadecimal is surprising because it requires more than the familiar 10 digits. Numerals in this system are written with 16 hexadecimal digits that include the ten digits 0 through 9 and the six letters A, B, C, D, E, and F. The six letters, starting from A, correspond to the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

Hexadecimal is used as a compact representation of binary. Although binary numbers can get very long, four binary digits can be represented with only a single hexadecimal digit.

Example 1.4 Hexadecimal numbers

39A16, 3216, and AFBC1216 are examples of numbers written in hexadecimal. A hexadecimal numeral can be expressed as the sum of products of powers of 16. For example, the hexadecimal numeral A0BF16 can be expanded to:

A · 163 + 0 · 162 + B · 161 + F · 160

To convert a hexadecimal numeral to decimal, we must substitute the values 10 through 15 for the digits A through F. Now we can rewrite the sum of products from above as:

10 · 163 + 0 · 162 + 11 · 161 + 15 · 160 = 40,960 + 0 + 176 + 15 = 41,151

Thus, we get A0BF16 = 41,151.

The base 8 number system is also called octal. Like hexadecimal, octal is used as a shorthand for binary. A numeral in octal uses the octal digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Otherwise the same rules apply. For example, the octal numeral 377 can be expanded to:

3778 = 3 · 82 + 7 · 81 + 7 · 80 = 255

You may have noticed that it is not always clear which base a numeral is written in. The digit sequence 337 is a legal numeral in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal, but it represents different numbers in each system. Mathematicians use a subscript to denote the base in which a numeral is written.

Thus, 3378 = 25510, 37710 = 37710, and 37716 = 88710. Base numbers are always written in base 10. A number without a subscript is assumed to be in base 10. In Java, there’s no way to mark subscripts, so prefixes are used. A prefix of 0b is used for binary, a prefix of 0 is used for octal, no prefix is used for decimal, and a prefix of 0x is used for hexadecimal. The corresponding numerals in Java code would thus be written 0377, 377, and 0x377. Be careful not to pad numbers with zeroes in Java since they might be interpreted as base 8! Remember that the value 056 is not the same as the value 56 in Java.

The following table lists a few characteristics of the four number systems we have discussed with representations of the numbers 7 and 29.

Number System Base Digits Math



0, 1

1112, 111012

0b111, 0b11101



0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

78, 358

07, 035



0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

7, 29

7, 29



0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

716, 1D16


Conversion across number systems

It’s useful to know how to convert a number represented in one base to the equivalent representation in another base. Our examples have shown how to convert a numeral in any base to decimal by expanding the numeral in the sum-of-product form and then adding the different terms together. But how do you convert a decimal numeral to another base?

Decimal to binary conversion

There are at least two different ways to convert a decimal numeral to binary. One way is to write the decimal number as a sum of powers of two as in the following conversion of the number 23.

23 = 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 1 · 24 + 0 · 23 + 1 · 22 + 1 · 21 + 1 · 20 = 101112

First, find the largest power of two that’s less than or equal to the number. In this case, 16 fits the bill because 32 is too large. Subtract that value from the number, leaving 7 in this case. Then repeat the process. The last step is to collect the coefficients of the powers of two into a sequence to get the binary equivalent. We used 16, 4, 2, and 1 but skipped 8. If we write a 1 for every place we used and a 0 for every place we skipped, we get 23 = 101112. While this is a straightforward procedure for decimal to binary conversion, it can be cumbersome for larger numbers.

An alternate way to convert a decimal numeral to an equivalent binary numeral is to divide the given number by 2 until the quotient is 0 (keeping only the integer part of the quotient). At each step, record the remainder found when dividing by 2. Collect these remainders (which will always be either 0 or 1) to form the binary equivalent. The least significant bit is the remainder obtained after the first division, and the most significant bit is the remainder obtained after the last division. In other words, this approach finds the digits of the binary number in backward order.

Example 1.5 Decimal to binary with remainders

Let’s use this method to convert 23 to its binary equivalent. The following table shows the steps need for the conversion. The leftmost column lists the step number. The second column contains the number to be divided by 2 at each step. The third column contains the quotient for each step, and the last column contains the current remainder.

Step Number Quotient Remainder





















We begin by dividing 23 by 2, yielding 11 as the quotient and 1 as the remainder. The quotient 11 is then divided by 2, yielding 5 as the quotient and 1 as the remainder. This process continues until we get a quotient of 0 and a remainder of 1 in Step 5. We now write the remainders from the most recent to the least recent and get the same result as before, 23 = 101112.

Other conversions

A decimal number can be converted to its hexadecimal equivalent using either of the two procedures described above. Instead of writing a decimal number as a sum of powers of 2, one writes it as a sum of powers of 16. Similarly, when using the division method, instead of dividing by 2, one divides by 16. Octal conversion is similar.

We use hexadecimal because it’s straightforward to convert from it to binary or back. The following table lists binary equivalents for the 16 hexadecimal digits.


































With the help of the table above, let’s convert 3FA16 to binary. By simple substitution, 3FA16 = 0011 1111 10102. Note that we’ve grouped the binary digits into clusters of 4 bits each. Of course, the leftmost zeroes in the binary equivalent are useless as they do not contribute to the value of the number.

Integer representation in a computer

In mathematics, binary numerals can represent arbitrarily big numbers. Inside of a computer, the size of a number is constrained by the number of bits used to represent it. For general purpose computation, 32- and 64-bit integers are commonly used. The largest integer that Java represents with 32 bits is 2,147,483,647, which is good enough for most tasks. For larger numbers, Java can represent up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 with 64 bits. Java also provides representations for integers using 8 and 16 bits.

These representations are easy to determine for positive numbers: Find the binary equivalent of the number and then pad the left side with zeroes to fill the remaining space. For example, 19 = 100112. If stored using 8 bits, 19 would be represented as 0001 0011. If stored using 16 bits, 19 would be represented as 0000 0000 0001 0011. (We separate groups of 4 bits for easier reading.)

Binary arithmetic

Recall that computers deal with numbers in their binary representation, meaning that all arithmetic is done on binary numbers. Sometimes it’s useful to understand how this process works and compare it to decimal arithmetic. The table below lists rules for binary addition.

+ 0 1







As indicated above, the addition of two 1s leads to a 0 with a carry of 1 into the next position to the left. Addition for numbers composed of more than one bit use the same rules as any addition, carrying values that are too large into the next position. In decimal addition, values over 9 must to be carried. In binary addition, values over 1 must be carried. The next example shows a sample binary addition. To simplify its presentation, we assume that the integers are represented with only 8 bits.

Example 1.6 Binary addition

Let’s add the numbers 60 and 6 in binary. Using the conversion techniques described above, we can find that 60 = 1111002 and 6 = 1102. Inside the computer, these numbers would already be in binary and padded to fill 8 bits.

Binary Decimal

0011 1100



0000 0110


0100 0010


The result is no surprise, but note that the addition can proceed in binary without conversion to decimal at any point.

Subtraction in binary is also similar to subtraction in decimal. The rules are given in the following table.

- 0 1







When subtracting a 1 from a 0, a 1 is borrowed from the next left position. The next example illustrates binary subtraction.

Example 1.7 Binary subtraction

Again, we’ll use 60 and 6 and their binary equivalents given above.

Binary Decimal

0011 1100



0000 0110


0011 0110


Negative integers in a computer

Negative integers are also represented in computer memory as binary numbers, using a system called two’s complement. When looking at the binary representation of a signed integer in a computer, the leftmost (most significant) bit will be 1 if the number’s negative and 0 if it’s positive. Unfortunately, there’s more to finding the representation of a negative number than flipping this bit.

Suppose that we need to find the binary equivalent of the decimal number -12 using 8 bits in two’s complement form. The first step is to convert 12 to its 8-bit binary equivalent. Doing so we get 12 = 0000 1100. Note that the leftmost bit of the representation is a 0, indicating that the number is positive. Next, we take the two’s complement of the 8-bit representation in two steps. In the first step, we flip every bit, i.e., change every 0 to 1 and every 1 to 0. This gives us the one’s complement of the number, 1111 0011. In the second step, we add 1 to the one’s complement to get the two’s complement. The result is 1111 0011 + 1 = 1111 0100.

Thus, the 8-bit, two’s complement binary equivalent of -12 is 1111 0100. Note that the leftmost bit is a 1, indicating that this is a negative number.

Example 1.8 Decimal to two’s complement

Let’s convert -29 to its binary equivalent assuming that the number will be stored in 8-bit, two’s complement form. First we convert positive 29 to its 8-bit binary equivalent, 29 = 0001 1101.

Next we obtain the one’s complement of the binary representation by flipping 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s. This gives us 1110 0010. Finally, we add 1 to the one’s complement representation to get 1110 0010 + 1 = 1110 0011, which is the desired binary equivalent of -29.

Example 1.9 Two’s complement to decimal

Let’s convert the 8-bit, two’s complement value 1000 1100 to decimal. We note that the leftmost bit of this number is 1, making it a negative number. Therefore, we reverse the process of making a two’s complement. First, we subtract 1 from the representation, yielding 1000 1100 - 1 = 1000 1011. Next, we flip all the bits in this one’s complement form, yielding 0111 0100.

We convert this binary representation to its decimal equivalent, yielding 116. Thus, the decimal equivalent of 1000 1100 is -116.

Why do computers use two’s complement? First of all, they need a system that can represent both positive and negative numbers. They could have used the leftmost bit as a sign bit and represented the rest of the number as a positive binary number. Doing so would require a check on the bit and some conversion for negative numbers every time a computer wanted to perform an addition or subtraction.

Because of the way it’s designed, positive and negative integers stored in two’s complement can be added or subtracted without any special conversions. The leftmost bit is added or subtracted just like any other bit, and values that carry past the leftmost bit are ignored. Two’s complement has an advantage over one’s complement in that there is only one representation for zero. The next example shows two’s complement in action.

Example 1.10 Two’s complement arithmetic

We’ll add -126 and 126. After performing the needed conversions, their 8-bit, two’s complement representations are 1000 0010 and 0111 1110.

Binary Decimal

1000 0010



0111 1110


0000 0000


As expected, the sum is 0.

Now, let’s add the two negative integers -126 and -2, whose 8-bit, two’s complement representations are 1000 0010 and 1111 1110.

Binary Decimal

1000 0010



1111 1110


1000 0000


The result is -128, which is the smallest negative integer that can be represented in 8-bit two’s complement.

Overflow and underflow

When performing arithmetic on numbers, an overflow is said to occur when the result of the operation is larger than the largest value that can be stored in that representation. An underflow is said to occur when the result of the operation is smaller than the smallest possible value.

Both overflows and underflows lead to wrapped-around values. For example, adding two positive numbers together can result in a negative number or adding two negative numbers together can result in a positive number.

Example 1.11 Binary addition with overflow

Let’s add the numbers 124 and 6. Their 8-bit, two’s complement representations are 0111 1100 and 0000 0110.

Binary Decimal

0111 1100



0000 0110


1000 0010


This surprising result happens because the largest 8-bit two’s complement integer is 127. Adding 124 and 6 yields 130, a value larger than this maximum, resulting in overflow with a negative answer.

The smallest (most negative) number that can be represented in 8-bit two’s complement is -128. A result smaller than this will result in underflow. For example, -115 - 31 = 110. Try out the conversions needed to test this result.

Bitwise operators

Although we most commonly manipulate numbers using traditional mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, there are also operations that work directly on the binary representations of the numbers. Some of these operators have clear relationships to mathematical operations, and some don’t.

Operator Name Description


Bitwise AND

Combines two binary representations into a new representation which has a 1 in every position where both the original representations have a 1


Bitwise OR

Combines two binary representations into a new representation which has a 1 in every position where either of the original representations has a 1


Bitwise XOR

Combines two binary representations into a new representation which has a 1 in every position that the original representations have different values


Bitwise complement

Takes a representation and creates a new representation in which every bit is flipped from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0


Signed left shift

Moves all the bits the specified number of positions to the left, shifting 0s into the rightmost bits


Signed right shift

Moves all the bits the specified number of positions to the right, padding the left with copies of the sign bit


Unsigned right shift

Moves all the bits the specified number of positions to the right, padding with 0s

Bitwise AND, bitwise OR, and bitwise XOR take two integer representations and combine them to make a new representation. In bitwise AND, each bit in the result will be a 1 if both of the original integer representations in that position are 1 and 0 otherwise. In bitwise OR, each bit in the result will be a 1 if either of the original integer representations in that position are 1 and 0 otherwise. In bitwise XOR, each bit in the result will be a 1 if the two bits of the original integer representations in that position are different and 0 otherwise.

Bitwise complement is a unary operator like the negation operator (-). Instead of merely changing the sign of a value (which it will also do), its result changes every 1 in the original representation to 0 and every 0 to 1.

The signed left shift, signed right shift, and unsigned right shift operators all create a new binary representation by shifting the bits in the original representation a certain number of places to the left or the right. The signed left shift moves the bits to the left, padding with 0s. If you do a signed left shift by n positions, it’s equivalent to multiplying the number by 2n (until overflow occurs). The signed right shift moves the bits to the right, padding with whatever the sign bit is. If you do a signed right shift by n positions, it’s equivalent to dividing the number by 2n (with integer division). The unsigned right shift moves the bits to the right, including the sign bit, filling the left side with 0s. An unsigned right shift will always make a value positive but is otherwise similar to a signed right shift. A few examples follow.

Example 1.12 Bitwise operators

Here are a few examples of the result of bitwise operations. We’ll assume that the values are represented using 32-bit two’s complement, instead of using 8-bit values as before. In Java, bitwise operators automatically convert smaller values to 32-bit representations before proceeding.

Let’s consider the result of 21 & 27.

Binary Decimal

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0101



0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1011


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001


Note how this result is different from 21 | 27.

Binary Decimal

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0101



0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1011


0001 1111


And also from 21 ^ 27.

Binary Decimal

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0101



0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1011


0000 1110


Ignoring overflow, signed left shifting is equivalent to repeated multiplications by 2. Consider 11 << 3. The representation 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1011 is shifted to the left to make 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 1000 = 88 = 11 · 23.

Signed right shifting is equivalent to repeated integer divisions by 2. Consider -104 >> 2. The representation 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1001 1000 is shifted to the right to make 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0110 = -26 = -104 ÷ 22.

Unsigned right shifting is the same as signed right shifting except when it is done on negative numbers. Since their sign bit is replaced by 0, an unsigned right shift produces a (generally large) positive number. Consider -104 >>> 2. The representation 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1001 1000 is shifted to the right to make 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0110 = 1,073,741,798.

Because of the way two’s complement is designed, bitwise complement is equivalent to negating the sign of the number and then subtracting 1. Consider ~(-104). The representation 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1001 1000 is complemented to 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 0111 = 103.

Rational numbers

We’ve seen how to represent positive and negative integers in computer memory, but this section shows how rational numbers, such as 12.33, -149.89, and 3.14159, can be converted into binary and represented.

Scientific notation

Scientific notation is closely related to the way a computer represents a rational number in memory. Scientific notation is a tool for representing very large or very small numbers without writing a lot of zeroes. A decimal number in scientific notation is written a × 10b where a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.

For example, the number 3.14159 can be written in scientific notation as 0.314159 × 101. In this case, 0.314159 is the mantissa, and 1 is the exponent. Here a few more examples of writing numbers in scientific notation.



3.14159 × 100



314159 × 10-5



-0.141324 × 103



.3 × 105

There are many ways of writing any given number in scientific notation. A more standardized way of writing real numbers is normalized scientific notation. In this notation, the mantissa is always written as a number whose absolute value is less than 10 but greater than or equal to 1. Following are a few examples of decimal numbers in normalized scientific notation.



3.14159 × 100



-1.41324 × 102



3.0 × 104

A shorthand for scientific notation is E notation, which is written with the mantissa followed by the letter ‘E’ followed by the exponent. For example, 39.2 in E notation can be written 3.92E1 or 0.392E2. The letter ‘E’ should be read “multiplied by 10 to the power.” It’s legal to use E notation to represent numbers in scientific notation in Java.


A rational number can be broken into an integer part and a fractional part. In the number 3.14, 3 is the integer part, and .14 is the fractional part. We’ve already seen how to convert the integer part to binary. Now, we’ll see how to convert the fractional part into binary. We can then combine the binary equivalents of the integer and fractional parts to find the binary equivalent of a decimal real number.

A decimal fraction f is converted to its binary equivalent by successively multiplying it by 2. At the end of each multiplication step, either a 0 or a 1 is obtained as an integer part and is recorded separately. The remaining fraction is again multiplied by 2 and the resulting integer part recorded. This process continues until the fraction reduces to zero or enough binary digits for the desired precision have been found. The binary equivalent of f then consists of the bits in the order they have been recorded, as shown in the next example.

Example 1.13 Fraction conversion to binary

Let’s convert 0.8125 to binary. The table below shows the steps to do so.

Step f 2f Integer part Remainder





















We then collect all the integer parts and get 0.11012 as the binary equivalent of 0.8125. We can convert this binary fraction back into decimal to verify that it’s correct.

0.11012 = 1 · 2-1 + 1 · 2-2 + 0 · 2-3 + 1 · 2-4 = 0.5 + 0.25 + 0 + 0.0625 = 0.8125

In some cases the process described above will never have a remainder of 0. Then, we can only find an approximate representation of the given fraction as demonstrated in the next example.

Example 1.14 Non-terminating fraction

Let’s convert 0.3 to binary assuming that we have only five bits in which to represent the fraction. The following table shows the five steps in the conversion process.

Step f 2f Integer part Remainder


























Collecting the integer parts we get 0.010012 as the binary representation of 0.3. Let’s convert this back to decimal to see how accurate it is.

0.010012 = 0 · 2-1 + 1 · 2-2 + 0 · 2-3 + 0 · 2-4 + 1 · 2-5 = 0 + 0.25 + 0 + 0 + 0.03125 = 0.28125

Five bits are not enough to represent 0.3 fully. Indeed, perfect accuracy would require an infinite number of bits! In this case, we have an error of 0.3 - 0.28125 = 0.01875. Most computers use many more bits to represent fractions and obtain much better accuracy in their representation.

Now that we understand how integers as well as fractions can be converted from one number base to another, we can convert any rational number from one base to another. The next example demonstrates one such conversion.

Example 1.15 Rational number converted to binary

Let’s convert 14.3 to binary assuming that we’ll only use six bits to represent the fractional part. First we convert 14 to binary using the technique described earlier. This gives us 14 = 11102. Taking the method outlined in Example 1.14 one step further, our six bit representation of 0.3 is 0.0100112. Combining the two representations gives 14.3 = 1110.0100112.

Floating-point representation

Floating-point representation is a system used to represent rational numbers in computer memory. In this notation a number is represented as a × be, where a gives the significant digits (mantissa) of the number and e is the exponent. The system is very similar to scientific notation, but computers usually use base b = 2 instead of 10.

For example, we could write the binary number 1010.12 in floating-point representation as 10.1012 × 22 or as 101.012 × 21. In any case, this number is equivalent to 10.5 in decimal.

In standardized floating-point representation, a is written so that only the most significant non-zero digit is to the left of the decimal point. Most computers use the IEEE 754 floating-point representation to represent rational numbers. In this notation, the memory to store the number is divided into three segments: one bit used to mark the sign of the number, m bits to represent the mantissa (also known as the significand), and e bits to represent the exponent.

In IEEE floating-point representation, numbers are commonly represented using 32 bits (known as single precision) or using 64 bits (known as double precision). In single precision, m = 23 and e = 8. In double precision, m = 52 and e = 11. To represent positive and negative exponents, the exponent has a bias added to it so that the result is never negative. This bias is 127 for single precision and 1,023 for double precision. The packing of the sign bit, the exponent, and the mantissa is shown in Figure 1.4 (a) and (b).

Example 1.16 Single precision IEEE format

The following is a step-by-step demonstration of how to construct the single precision binary representation in IEEE format of the number 10.5.

  1. Convert 10.5 to its binary equivalent using methods described earlier, yielding 10.510 = 1010.12. Unlike the case of integers, the sign of the number is taken care of separately for floating-point. Thus, we would use 1010.12 for -10.5 as well.

  2. Write this binary number in standardized floating-point representation, yielding 1.01012 × 23.

  3. Remove the leading bit (always a 1 for non-zero numbers), leaving 0101.

  4. Pad the fraction with zeroes on the right to fill the 23-bit mantissa, yielding 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 000. Note that the decimal point is ignored in this step.

  5. Add 127 to the exponent. This gives us an exponent of 3 + 127 = 130.

  6. Convert the exponent to its 8-bit unsigned binary equivalent. Doing so gives us 13010 = 100000102.

  7. Set the sign bit to 0 if the number is positive and to 1 otherwise. Since 10.5 is positive, we set the sign bit to 0.

We now have the three components of 10.5 in binary. The memory representation of 10.5 is shown in Figure 1.4 (c). Note in the figure how the sign bit, the exponent, and the mantissa are packed into 32 bits.

Figure 1.4 Layouts for floating-point representation (a) in single precision, (b) in double precision, and (c) of 10.510 in single precision.
Largest and smallest numbers

Fixing the number of bits used for representing a real number limits the numbers that can be represented in computer memory using the floating-point notation. The largest rational number that can be represented in single precision has an exponent of 127 (254 after bias) with a mantissa consisting of all 1s:
0 1111 1110 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111
This number is approximately 3.402 × 1038. To represent the smallest (closest to zero) non-zero number, we need to examine one more complication in the IEEE format. An exponent of 0 implies that the number is unnormalized. In this case, we no longer assume that there is a 1 bit to the left of the mantissa. Thus, the smallest non-zero single precision number has its exponent set to 0 and its mantissa set to all zeros with a 1 in its 23rd bit:
0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001
Unnormalized single precision values are considered to have an exponent of -126. Thus, the value of this number is 2-23 × 2-126 = 2-149 ≈ 1.4 × 10-45. Now that we know the rules for storing both integers and floating-point numbers, we can list the largest and smallest values possible in 32- and 64-bit representations in Java in the following table. Note that largest means the largest positive number for both integers and floating-point values, but smallest means the most negative number for integers and the smallest positive non-zero value for floating-point values.

Format Largest number Smallest number

32-bit integer



64-bit integer



32-bit floating-point

3.4028235 × 1038

1.4 × 10-45

64-bit floating-point

1.7976931348623157 × 10308


Using the same number of bits, floating-point representation can store much larger numbers than integer representation. However, floating-point numbers are not always exact, resulting in approximate results when performing arithmetic. Always use integer formats when fractional parts aren’t needed.

Special numbers

Several binary representations in the floating-point representation correspond to special numbers. These numbers are reserved and do not have the values that would be expected from normal multiplication of the mantissa by the power of 2 given by the exponent.

0.0 and -0.0

When the exponent and the mantissa are both 0, the number is interpreted as a 0.0 or -0.0 depending on the sign bit. For example, in a Java program, dividing 0.0 by -1.0 results in -0.0. Similarly, -0.0 divided by -1.0 is 0.0. Positive and negative zeroes only exist for floating-point values. -0 is the same as 0 for integers. Dividing the integer 0 by -1 in Java results in 0 and not in -0.

Positive and negative infinity

An overflow or an underflow might occur while performing arithmetic on floating-point values. In the case of an overflow, the resulting number is a special value that Java recognizes as infinity. In the case of an underflow, it is a special negative infinity value. For example, dividing 1.0 by 0.0 in Java results in infinity and dividing -1.0 by 0.0 results in negative infinity. These values have well defined behavior. For example, adding 1.0 to infinity yields infinity.
Note that floating-point values and integers do not behave in the same way. Dividing the integer 1 by the integer 0 creates an error that can crash a Java program.

Not-a-number (NaN)

Some mathematical operations may result in an undefined number. For example, the square root of a negative number is an imaginary number. Java has a value set aside for results that are not rational numbers. When we discuss how to find the square root of a value in Java, this not-a-number value will be the answer for the square root of a negative number.

Errors in floating-point arithmetic

As we have seen, many rational numbers can only be approximately represented in computer memory. Thus, arithmetic done on the approximate values yields approximate answers. For example, 1.3 cannot be represented exactly using a 64-bit value. In this case, the product 1.3 * 3.0 will be 3.9000000000000004 instead of 3.9. This error will propagate as additional operations are performed on previous results. The next example illustrates this propagation of errors when a sequence of floating-point operations are performed.

Example 1.17 Error propagation

Suppose that the price of several products is added to determine the total price of a purchase at a cash register that uses floating-point arithmetic with a 32-bit variable (the equivalent of a float in Java). For simplicity, let’s assume that all items have a price of $1.99. We don’t know how many items will be purchased ahead of time and simply add the price of each item until all items have been scanned at the register. The table below shows the value of the total cost for different quantities of items.

Items Correct Cost Calculated Cost Absolute Error Relative Error





















The first column in the table above is the number of items. The second column is the correct cost of all items purchased. The third column is the cost calculated by adding each item using single precision floating-point addition. The fourth and fifth columns give the absolute and relative errors, respectively, of the calculated value. Note how the error increases as the number of additions goes up. In the last row, the absolute error is almost two dollars.

While the above example may seem unrealistic, it does expose the inherent dangers of floating-point calculations. Although the error is less when using double precision representations, it still exists.

1.4. Solution: Buying a computer

We pose a motivating problem in the Problem section near the beginning of most chapters. Whenever there is a Problem section, there is a Solution section near the end in which we give a solution to the earlier problem.

After all the discussion of the hardware, software, and data representation inside of a computer, you might feel more confused about which computer to buy than before. As a programmer, it’s important to understand how data is represented, but this information plays virtually no role in deciding which computer to buy. Unlike most problems in this book, there’s no concrete answer we can give here. Because the development of technology progresses so rapidly, any advice about computer hardware or software has a short shelf-life.

Software is a huge consideration, beginning with the OS. Because the choice of OS usually affects choice of hardware, we’ll start there. The three major choices for a desktop or laptop OS are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and Linux.

Windows is heavily marketed for business use. Windows suffered from many stability and security issues, but Microsoft has worked hard to address these. Apple macOS and the computers it’s installed on are marketed to an artistic and counter-culture population. Linux is popular among tech savvy users. Putting marketing biases aside, the three operating systems have become more similar over time, and most people could be productive using any of the three. The following table lists some pros and cons for each OS.

OS Pros Cons

Microsoft Windows

  • Compatible with the largest number of programs

  • Can be purchased separately from hardware

  • Can run on Apple hardware

  • Expensive

  • Security concerns

Apple macOS

  • Polished user interface

  • Bundled with many useful programs

  • Tested for use on the hardware it comes with

  • Most expensive

  • Many business applications and games are released late or not at all for macOS

  • Difficult to run on non-Apple hardware


  • Free

  • Runs on almost any hardware

  • Highly customizable

  • Serviced by a community that develops many free applications for it

  • Can be difficult to install or configure

  • Few commercial applications are available for it

  • Limited customer support

Once you’ve decided on an OS, you can pick hardware and other software that’s compatible with it. For macOS, almost all your hardware choices will be computers sold by Apple. For Windows and Linux, you can either have a computer built for you or build your own. Although computer hardware changes quickly, let’s examine some general guidelines.


Remember that the speed of a CPU is measured in GHz (billions of clock cycles per second). Higher GHz is generally better, but it’s hard to compare performance across different designs of CPU. There’s also a diminishing returns effect: The very fastest, very newest CPUs are often considerably more expensive even if they only provide slightly better performance. It’s usually more cost effective to select a CPU in the middle of the performance spectrum.

Cache size also has a huge effect on performance. The larger the cache, the less often the CPU has to read data from slower memory. Since most new CPUs available today are 64-bit, the question of word size is no longer significant.

Although some specialists may prefer one or the other, both Intel and AMD make powerful, competitive consumer CPUs.


Memory includes RAM, hard drives, optical drives, and any other storage. RAM is usually easy to upgrade for desktop machines and less easy (though often possible) for laptops. The price of RAM per gigabyte goes down over time. It may be reasonable to start with a modest amount of RAM and then upgrade after a year or two when it becomes cheaper to do so. It takes a little bit of research to get exactly the right kind of RAM for your CPU and motherboard. The amount of RAM is dependent on what you want to do with your system. The minimum amount of RAM to run Microsoft Windows 10 is 1 GB for 32-bit versions and 2 GB for 64-bit versions. The minimum amount of RAM to run Apple macOS Mojave is 2 GB. One rule of thumb is to have at least twice the minimum required RAM.

Hard drive space is dependent on how you expect to use your computer. 1 TB and 2 TB drives are not very expensive, and either represents a huge amount of storage. Only if you plan to have enormous libraries of video or uncompressed audio data will you likely need more. Corporate level databases and web servers and some other business systems can also require vast amounts of space. Hard drive speed is greatly affected by the hard drive’s cache size. As always, a bigger cache means better performance. Using a solid state drive (SSD) instead of a traditional hard drive has much better performance but higher cost per megabyte. If you can afford an SSD, this single upgrade is likely to feel like the greatest increase in overall computer speed.

Installing optical drives and other storage devices depends on individual needs. With the rise of streaming services and cloud backup, optical drives have become less popular.

I/O Devices

The subject of I/O devices is personal. It’s difficult to say what anyone should buy without considering his or her specific needs. A monitor is the essential visual output device while a keyboard and mouse are the essential input devices. Speakers are important as well. Most laptops have all of these elements integrated in some form or another. Laptops often have inexpensive web cameras installed as well.

Someone interested in video games might want to invest in a powerful graphics card. Newer cards with more video RAM are generally better than older cards with less, but which card is best at a given price point is the subject of continual discussion at sites like AnandTech and Tom’s Hardware.

Printers are still useful output devices. Graphics tablets can make it easier to create digital art on a computer. The number of potentially worthwhile I/O devices is limitless.

This section is a jumping off point for purchasing a computer. As you learn more about computer hardware and software, it will become easier to know what combination of the two will serve your needs. Of course, there’s always more to know, and technology changes quickly.

1.4.1. Concurrency: Multicore processors

In the last decade, the word “core” has been splattered all over CPU packaging. Intel in particular has marketed the idea heavily with its older Core and Core 2 models and its modern Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, and Core i9 chips. What are all these cores?

Looking back into the past, most consumer processors had a single core, or brain. They could only execute one instruction at a time. Even this definition is hazy, because pipelining kept more than one instruction in the process of being executed, but overall execution proceeded sequentially.

The advent of multicore processors has changed this design significantly. Each processor has several independent cores, each of which can execute different instructions at the same time. Before the arrival of multicore processors, a few desktop computers and many supercomputers had multiple separate processors that could achieve a similar effect. However, since multicore processors have more than one effective processor on the same silicon die, the communication time between processors is much faster and the overall cost of a multi-processor system is cheaper.

The Good

Multicore systems have impressive performance. The first multicore processors had two cores, but current designs have four, six, eight, or higher. A processor with eight cores can execute eight different programs at the same time. Or, when faced with a computationally intense problem like matrix math, code breaking, or scientific simulation, a processor with eight cores could solve the problem eight times as fast. A desktop processor with 100 cores that can solve a problem 100 times faster is not out of reach.

In fact, modern graphics cards are already blazing this trail. Consider the 1080p standard for high definition video, which has a resolution of 1,920 × 1,080 pixels. Each pixel (short for picture element) is a dot on the screen. A screen whose resolution is 1080p has 2,073,600 dots. To maintain the illusion of smooth movement, these dots should be updated around 30 times per second. Computing the color for more than 2 million dots based on 3D geometry, lighting, and physics effects 30 times a second is no easy feat. Some of the cards used to render computer games have hundreds or thousands of cores. These cores are not general purpose or completely independent. Instead, they’re specialized to do certain kinds of matrix transformations and floating-point computations.

The Bad

Although chip-makers have spent a lot of money marketing multicore technology, they haven’t spent much money explaining that one of the driving forces behind the “multicore revolution” is a simple failure to make processors faster in other ways. In 1965, Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, remarked that the density of silicon microprocessors had been doubling every year (though he later revised this to every two years), meaning that twice as many transistors (computational building blocks) could fit in the same physical space. This trend, often called Moore’s Law, has held up reasonably well. For years, clever designs relying on shorter communication times, pipelining, and other schemes succeeded in doubling the effective performance of processors every two years.

At some point, the tricks became less effective and exponential gains in processor clock rate could no longer be sustained. As clock frequency increases, the signal becomes more chaotic, and it becomes more difficult to tell the difference between the voltages that represent 0s and 1s. Another problem is heat. The energy that a processor uses is related to the square of the clock rate. This relationship means that increasing the clock rate of a processor by a factor of 4 will increase its energy consumption (and heat generation) by a factor of 16.

The legacy of Moore’s Law lives on. We’re still able to fit more and more transistors into tinier and tinier spaces. After decades of increasing clock rate, chip-makers began using the additional silicon density to make processors with more than one core instead. Since 2005 or so, increases in clock rate have stagnated.

The Ugly

Does a processor with eight cores solve problems eight times as fast as its single core equivalent? Unfortunately, the answer is, “Almost never.” Most problems are not easy to break into eight independent pieces.

For example, if you want to build eight houses and you have eight construction teams, then you probably can get pretty close to completing all eight houses in the time it would have taken for one team to build a single house. But what if you have eight teams and only one house to build? You might be able to finish the house a little early, but some steps necessarily come after others: The concrete foundation must be poured and solid before framing can begin. Framing must be finished before the roof can be put on. And so on.

Like building a house, most problems you can solve on a computer are difficult to break into concurrent tasks. A few problems are like painting a house and can be completed much faster with lots of concurrent workers. Other tasks simply cannot be done faster with more than one team on the job. Worse, some jobs can actually interfere with each other. If a team is trying to frame the walls while another team is trying to put the roof onto unfinished walls, neither will succeed, the house might be ruined, and people could get hurt.

On a desktop computer, individual cores generally have their own level 1 cache but share level 2 cache and RAM. If the programmer isn’t careful, he or she can give instructions to the cores that will make them fight with each other, overwriting memory that other cores are using and crashing the program or giving an incorrect answer. Imagine if different parts of your brain were completely independent and fought with one another. The words that came out of your mouth might be gibberish.

To recap, the first problem with concurrent programming is finding ways to break down problems so that they can be solved faster with multiple cores. The second problem is making sure that the different cores cooperate so that the answer is correct and makes sense. These are not easy problems, and many researchers are still working on finding better ways to do both.

Some educators believe that beginners will be confused by concurrency and should wait until later courses to confront these problems. We disagree: Forewarned is forearmed. Concurrency is an integral part of modern computation, and the earlier you get introduced to it, the more familiar it’ll be.

1.5. Summary

This introductory chapter focused on the fundamentals of a computer. We began with a description of computer hardware, including the CPU, memory, and I/O devices. We also described the software of a computer, highlighting key programs such as the operating system and compilers as well as other useful programs like business applications, video games, and web browsers.

Then, we introduced the topic of how numbers are represented inside the computer. Various number systems and conversion from one system to another were explained. We discussed how floating-point representation is used to represent rational numbers. A sound knowledge of data representation helps a programmer decide what kind of data to use (integer or floating-point and how much precision) as well as what kind of errors to expect (overflow, underflow, and floating-point precision errors).

The next chapter extends the idea of data representation into the specific types of data that Java uses and introduces representation systems for individual characters and text.

1.6. Exercises

Conceptual Problems

  1. Name a few programming languages other than Java.

  2. What’s the difference between machine code and bytecode?

  3. What are some advantages of JIT compilation over traditional, ahead-of-time compilation?

  4. Without converting to decimal, how can one find out whether a given binary number is odd or even?

  5. Convert the following positive binary numbers into decimal.

    1. 1002

    2. 1112

    3. 1000002

    4. 1111012

    5. 101012

  6. Convert the following positive decimal numbers into binary.

    1. 1

    2. 15

    3. 100

    4. 1,025

    5. 567,899

  7. What’s the process for converting the representation of a binary integer given in one’s complement into two’s complement?

  8. Perform the conversion from one’s complement to two’s complement on the representation 1011 0111, which uses 8 bits for storage.

  9. Convert the following decimal numbers to their hexadecimal and octal equivalents.

    1. 29

    2. 100

    3. 255

    4. 382

    5. 4,096

  10. Create a table that lists the binary equivalents of octal digits, similar to the one in Section Hint: Each octal digit can be represented as a sequence of three binary digits.

  11. Use the table from Exercise 1.10 to convert the following octal numbers to binary.

    1. 3378

    2. 248

    3. 7778

  12. The ternary number system has a base of 3 and uses symbols 0, 1, and 2 to construct numbers. Convert the following decimal numbers to their ternary equivalents.

    1. 23

    2. 333

    3. 729

  13. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary representations.

    1. -15

    2. -101

    3. -120

  14. Given the following 8-bit binary representations in two’s complement, find their decimal equivalents.

    1. 1100 0000

    2. 1111 1111

    3. 1000 0001

  15. Perform the following arithmetic operation on the following 8-bit, two’s complement binary representations of integers. Check your answers by performing arithmetic on equivalent decimal numbers.

    1. 0000 0011 + 0111 1110 =

    2. 1000 1110 + 0000 1111 =

    3. 1111 1111 + 1000 0000 =

    4. 0000 1111 - 0001 1110 =

    5. 1000 0001 - 1111 1100 =

  16. Extrapolate the rules for decimal and binary addition to rules for the hexadecimal system. Then, use these rules to perform the following additions in hexadecimal. Check your answers by converting the values and their sums to decimal.

    1. A2F16 + BB16 =

    2. 32C16 + D11F16 =

  17. Expand Example 1.14 assuming that you have ten bits to represent the fraction. Convert the representation back to base 10. How far off is this value from 0.3?

  18. Will the process in Example 1.14 ever terminate, assuming that we can use as many bits as needed to represent 0.3 in binary? Why or why not?

  19. Derive the binary representation of the following decimal numbers assuming 32-bit (single) precision representation using the IEEE 754 floating-point format.

    1. 0.0125

    2. 7.7

    3. -10.3

  20. The IEEE 754 standard also defines a 16-bit (half) precision format. In this format there is one sign bit, five bits for the exponent, and ten bits for the mantissa. This format is the same as single and double precision in that it assumes that a bit with a value of 1 precedes the ten bits in the mantissa. It also uses a bias of 15 for the exponent. What’s the largest decimal number that can be stored in this format?

  21. Let a, b, and c denote three real numbers. With real numbers, each of the equations below is true. Now suppose that all arithmetic operations are performed using floating-point representations of these numbers. Indicate which of the following equations are still always true and which are sometimes false.

    1. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

    2. a + b = b + a

    3. a · b = b · a

    4. a + 0 = a

    5. (a · b) · c = a · (b · c)

    6. a · (b + c) = (a · b) + (a · c)

  22. What’s a multicore microprocessor? Why do you think a multicore chip might be better than a single core chip? Search the Internet to find the specifications for a few common multicore chips. Which chip does your computer use?