13. Lambda Expressions and Streams

Actions are the seeds of fate. Deeds grow into destiny.

— Harry S. Truman

13.1. Problem: Cryptography tools

Cryptography, from Greek roots meaning “secret writing,” is the science of scrambling and unscrambling messages so that only the intended recipients can read them. Forms of cryptography have been used since ancient times, often in a military context. In fact, making and breaking codes played an important role in World War II. Now, modern cryptography is an essential tool to protect personal data as it’s sent over the Internet. Without strong cryptography, credit card data, social security numbers, and other private information would be stolen by criminals even more than they are already.

The act of scrambling a message so that it’s no longer readable is called encryption. The act of unscrambling an encrypted message so that it’s readable again is called decryption. A normal, unencrypted message is often called a plaintext. An encrypted message is called a ciphertext. Many encryption algorithms use a key, an extra piece of information like a secret phrase, that’s needed when doing the encryption and decryption.

What’s the right approach for designing a program that can encrypt and decrypt data? It’s tempting to pick your favorite encryption algorithm and build the program around that. Unfortunately, cryptographers are always working to find ways to defeat any given algorithm. Over the years, they might discover weaknesses that could allow attackers to unscramble a ciphertext, even without the secret key. For that reason, a good framework for using cryptography should allow an arbitrary algorithm to be used instead of forcing a user to keep using an algorithm that has known security vulnerabilities.

For that reason, we want to design a framework that can accept any (or at least a huge range of) encryption and decryption algorithms. We want the framework to take care of iterating through all the characters in a message and send each character off to the appropriate algorithm to be transformed from plaintext to ciphertext or vice versa.

Most modern encryption algorithms like AES encrypt bytes (or blocks of bytes), but our solution will use simpler algorithms that are designed to encrypt only the capital letters A through Z from the Latin alphabet. The examples we’ll use are the Caesar cipher, the affine cipher, and the Vigenère cipher, all classical substitution ciphers that have been used in the past but are now considered unsecure. With a little additional work, it’s possible to expand our solution to secure algorithms as well.

13.1.1. Caesar cipher

Substitution ciphers are encryption systems that change each letter in a plaintext to a different one. The Caesar cipher, used by Julius Caesar himself, is perhaps the simplest possible substitution cipher. In it, the key is a number 1 through 25. This number says how many places later in the alphabet the encrypted version of a letter is than the unencrypted version. For example, if the key is 7, then each plaintext letter should be replaced with the letter that comes seven steps later in the alphabet, wrapping around as needed. In this case, the letter A is changed to H, the letter K is changed to R, and the letter V wraps around the end of the alphabet to change into C.

The Caesar cipher is also called a shift cipher since we’re shifting all the letters of the alphabet over by a fixed amount.

Here’s a table showing all the unencrypted alphabet with the encrypted versions of each letter in each row below, when the key is 7.

























































Thus, the message "CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR" would be encrypted to "JYF OHCVJ HUK SLA ZSPW AOL KVNZ VM DHY". To decrypt a message, we move each letter in the message back by the shift.

13.1.2. Affine cipher

The affine cipher takes the Caesar cipher a step further. Instead of simply adding a value to each letter to encrypt it, we multiply each letter by a number and then add a value to it. Thus, the key has two parts, a scalar a and a shift b.

In order to make the math simpler, we first convert the letters A through Z into the numbers 0 through 25. That’s the number that we multiply by a before adding b. Finally, we take the result modulus 26 so that any value larger than 25 maps back to the range 0 to 25. Written in mathematical notation, the encrypted version of a letter whose value is x is (a · x + b) mod 26.

Note that the scalar a must be coprime with the size of your alphabet, in our case 26. Otherwise, different letters in the plaintext will map to the same letters in the ciphertext, making it impossible to decrypt the original message. Two numbers are coprime if they share none of the same prime factors. For an alphabet with length 26, that means that a can only have the values 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, or 25. When a = 1, the affine cipher is simply a Caesar cipher.

Here’s a table showing all the unencrypted alphabet in the first row and the encrypted versions of each letter in the second, with a value of 5 for a and 8 for b.

























































With this cipher, the message "CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR" would now be encrypted to "SPY RIJAS IVX LCZ ULWF ZRC XAMU AH OIP". To decrypt a message, we first subtract the value b from each letter and then multiply by the multiplicative inverse of a modulus 26. Finding the multiplicative inverse of a number can be done with brute force or some number theory, and we’ll discuss doing so in Section 13.5.

13.1.3. Vigenère cipher

Both the Caesar cipher and the affine cipher are monoalphabetic substitution ciphers, which is a fancy way of saying that a given letter in the plaintext always maps to the same letter in the ciphertext. Although this property makes encryption and decryption simple, it also makes both ciphers susceptible to frequency attacks in which the high frequency of letters like E in English can be used to recover the plaintext from the ciphertext without knowing the key.

The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, meaning that each letter can be replaced with several different letters, depending on where in the message it occurs. Instead of using numbers, the Vigenère cipher uses a special word or phrase as the key. The values of the letters in this phrase are added to the values of the letters in the plaintext in order to find the ciphertext.

For example, the letter N has value 13 (starting with A = 0). The letter S has value 18. 13 + 18 = 31. As before, we take the result modulus 26 to make the number wrap around if it’s too large. 31 mod 26 = 5. Since the letter F has the value 5, adding the letter N from the plaintext to the letter S from the key yields the letter F for the ciphertext. The table below shows the message "CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR" encrypted with the Vigenère cipher, using a key of "SHAKESPEARE". Note that the key "SHAKESPEARE" is repeated as many times as necessary to provide a letter to add to each letter in the plaintext.

































































































It turns out that repeating the key is what makes the Vigenère cipher vulnerable to attacks. If the key is as long as the message (and is a totally random sequence of letters), the Vigenère cipher becomes what’s called a one-time pad. It’s impossible to attack a one-time pad without knowing the key, but it’s also very inconvenient to use a key as long as the message, particularly when the message itself is long.

The Vigenère cipher dates back to the 16th century and was believed to be unbreakable for hundreds of years. However, methods that look at the frequency of letters in sophisticated ways were developed in the 19th century by Friedrich Kasiski and separately by Charles Babbage, a pioneer of computing.

13.2. Concepts: Passing and storing methods

Creating a tool that can perform encryption and decryption with arbitrary algorithms is useful, but that’s just the beginning. Throughout this book, we’ve created variables that could store values, and we could also pass those values to methods. Now, we’ll explore ways to store methods and pass those methods to other methods.

This idea of methods as first-class values is one that comes from a different paradigm of programming. As we’ve discussed, Java is an object-oriented programming language: All code is stored inside of a class. Programs can be seen as a collection of objects interacting. Many variables are objects, though Java breaks this rule with primitive types. These exceptions aside, a useful motto for Java programming is “Everything is an object.”

On the other hand, in the functional programming paradigm, the motto is “Everything is a function.” Languages that follow this paradigm, like Haskell, Erlang, Clojure, and OCaml, focus heavily on methods, usually called functions in these languages. When writing code in a functional language, it’s typical to write functions that take functions as parameters and return functions as values. In fact, the purest functional languages have functions instead of values. In some of these languages, zero can be thought of as a special function. Then, the number 1 is conceived of as the function produced by applying the successor function to zero. The number 2 is the function produced by applying the successor function to the result of applying the successor function to zero, and so on.

These languages also do not have (or at least discourage using) loops to perform repetition. Instead, these languages rely heavily on recursion, using a method to call itself, to achieve the same effect. Doing so is possible in Java, and we discuss recursion more thoroughly in Chapter 20. Functional languages also disallow (or least discourage) changing the value of a variable once it’s been assigned.

If a language where everything’s a function, there are no loops, and variables can’t be changed sounds bizarre to you, don’t worry: People whose first experience programming is with object-oriented or imperative languages are often baffled when they come in contact with functional languages. On the other hand, academic researchers into programming language design love functional languages because they can be very elegant, have many wonderful safety features, and follow mathematical structures that make it easier to prove important properties about a program.

Although it’s hard to make an objective measurement, many people consider functional languages to be more difficult to program in than object-oriented languages. Functional programming advocates will claim that, though it’s harder to get a functional program to compile in the first place, a programmer will have more confidence that it works correctly when it finally does compile. While functional languages aren’t typically used by as many people as object-oriented languages, there are certain niches like distributed systems where functional languages provide valuable features. As always, use the right tool for the right job.

And even if pure functional languages aren’t overwhelmingly popular, they have features that other languages liked enough to steal. Java 8 added lambda expressions, method references, and functional interfaces: all tools to make it easier to use methods in a functional style. The language Scala runs on the JVM, and it goes even further than Java in adopting functional approaches.

13.2.1. Method references and lambda expressions

In the previous paragraph, we used the word lambda, which is the letter λ from the Greek alphabet. Because of a theoretical model of computing called the lambda calculus and the Lisp programming language that was influenced by it, the word lambda has come to be associated with methods that are defined on the fly, inside other methods, using the values of local variables when appropriate.

If you recall, we already did something similar in Section 10.4. There, we created whole classes, both local and anonymous, in the middle of a method, even incorporating the values of local variables in one case. Lambda expressions do exactly the same thing, except that the syntax is simpler, and we’re only defining a single method instead of a whole class.

A related concept is a method reference. In functional programming, we often pass methods around as parameters. We can use lambda expressions to create a method on the fly, or we can pass in the method of an existing object. You should always pass in a method reference if the method you want already exists, but creating a lambda is fine if one doesn’t. On the other hand, if you’re writing many different lambda expressions that do essentially the same thing, you might want to create a method so that you can pass a reference to it.

No doubt you’re eager to learn the syntax for lambda expressions and method references that we discuss in the next section, but when is it a good idea to use these tools? A lambda expression is useful when all you require is a single method, not a whole new class with member variables and perhaps many other methods. These situations include:

  • When you’re using an interface that contains only one abstract method. Lambda expressions can allow you to create a method that fulfills the requirements of that interface. A great example is the Runnable interface that we’ll talk about in Section 14.4.5 when describing ways to create threads.

  • Event handling, especially in GUIs. As we’ll discuss in Chapter 16, a central challenge of creating a GUI is defining what happens when a button is pressed or some other event occurs. Lambda expressions make it easy to supply a short segment of code that runs when an event happens.

  • Working with collections. The Java Collections Framework (JCF) provides many useful classes for storing data in lists, sets, and maps. To sort custom data or retrieve only the objects that match certain criteria, the JCF provides methods that you can supply a lambda to in order to say how data should be sorted or which kinds of objects you want back.

  • The Stream API. As we’ll discuss in Section 13.4, the Stream API expands the tools to create streams of data from collections that can be sorted, filtered, aggregated, and processed in arbitrary ways using lambda expressions that you supply.

Anywhere you can use a lambda expression, you can also use a method reference, provided that the method you want already exists.

13.3. Syntax: Method references and lambda expressions

After all this discussion of the concept of passing methods around, no doubt you’re excited to do it yourself. Unfortunately, you can’t.

As we said before, Java lives by the motto “Everything is an object.” Consequently, we can pass objects around, not methods. But there’s Java construct that’s primarily focused on methods, and that’s the interface. As long as we pass around objects that implement an interface with the method we want, we can focus only on that particular method, ignoring other members and methods that the object might have.

13.3.1. Functional interfaces

To make it absolutely clear when we want to focus only on one particular method in an object, Java 8 introduced the idea of a functional interface. A functional interface is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method.

Below is the functional interface ArithmeticOperator, which contains the single method evaluate().

public interface Operator {
    int evaluate(int a, int b);

Note the text @FunctionalInterface that appears before the declaration of Operator. The use of the @ sign signals that @FunctionalInterface is an annotation. While we will not discuss annotations deeply in this book, the key idea behind them is that they provide extra information that’s usually not essential to the running of the program. In this case, the @FunctionalInterface annotation gives the extra information to someone reading the code that this interface is a functional interface, intended to be used in situations where we want to pass around an object as if it were only a single evaluate() method that takes two int values and returns a third. The @FunctionalInterface annotation has no effect on the compilation or running of the program except that an interface with this annotation will cause a compiler error if it doesn’t have exactly one abstract method.

The @FunctionalInterface annotation isn’t necessary for functional-style programming in Java. As long as an interface has exactly one abstract method, you can use it as a type for storing or passing lambda expressions and method references. However, it’s always a good idea to mark an interface you write with @FunctionalInterface if that’s how you intend it to be used, both to inform other programmers that it’s a functional interface and to get the extra protection from the compiler if you mistakenly add another abstract method to it.

13.3.2. Method references

You can use method reference anywhere with a matching functional interface type. In this case, we have the Operator functional interface that matches methods that take two int values as parameters and return another int value.

Consider the following class that contains a simple method that finds the maximum of two int values.

public class Max {
    public static int max(int a, int b) {
        if (a >= b)
            return a;
            return b;

Since the max() method inside the Max class takes two int values and returns a third, we could store it into a variable with type Operator.

Operator operator = Max::max;
System.out.println(operator.evaluate(5, -3)); // Prints 5.

Note that we are using the :: operator here, which lets Java know that we want a reference to the max() method inside the Max class, instead of using . as we would to call the method. In this case, we’re supplying a reference to a static method, but we can use the :: operator to reference an instance method as well.

Consider the following class that allows us to create MaxWithMinimum objects. These objects have a max() method that finds the maximum of two int values, but it also has a minimum value that it will give back as a default if neither of the arguments are bigger than the minimum. A class like this might be useful for situations where a value must always be above a certain threshold.

public class MaxWithMinimum {
    private final int minimum;

    public MaxWithMinimum(int minimum) {
        this.minimum = minimum;

    public int max(int a, int b) {
        int result = minimum;
        if (a >= result)
            result = a;
        if (b >= result)
            result = b;
        return result;        

As before, we can store the max() method into a variable of type Operator, but now we have to put the name of the object, instead of the name of the class, before the :: operator.

MaxWithMinimum maxObject = new MaxWithMinimum(10);
Operator operator = maxObject::max;
System.out.println(operator.evaluate(5, -3)); // Prints 10, the minimum allowed.

This syntax parallels the way that static methods are called with a class name while instance methods are called with an object name.

Example 13.1 Arithmetic expressions

We can use the Operator interface in a more extensive way to create nested arithmetic expressions where the actual operation done (add, subtract, multiply, or divide) is given by a method reference. First, we need to create an interface for an expression. The only thing an expression needs to do is tell you its value, so we put the getValue() abstract method in our Expression interface.

public interface Expression {
    int getValue();

We need two classes that implement Expression. The first is a simple class designed to hold a single int value.

public class Number implements Expression {
    private final int value;

    public Number(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

The second class represents a calculation done on expressions (which can be either simple numbers or expressions themselves).

public class Calculation implements Expression {
    private final Operator operator;
    private final Expression leftExpression;
    private final Expression rightExpression;

    public Calculation(Operator operator,      (1)
                       Expression leftExpression,
                       Expression rightExpression) {
        this.operator = operator;
        this.leftExpression = leftExpression;
        this.rightExpression = rightExpression;

    public int getValue() {                    (2)
        int a = leftExpression.getValue();
        int b = rightExpression.getValue();
        return operator.evaluate(a, b);

    public static int add(int a, int b) {      (3)
        return a + b;

    public static int subtract(int a, int b) { (4)
        return a - b;

    public static int multiply(int a, int b) { (5)
        return a * b;

    public static int divide(int a, int b) {   (6)
        return a / b;
1 The constructor for Calculation takes an operator and the two subexpressions that the operator is being applied to.
2 The getValue() method first gets the values of the two subexpressions and combines those values using the evaluate() method of the operator.
3 Static method to add two numbers.
4 Static method to subtract two numbers.
5 Static method to multiply two numbers.
6 Static method to divide two numbers.

Although it took a lot of set-up, the final code that evaluates expressions is relatively simple.

Expression expression1 = new Calculation(Calculation::add, new Number(3), new Number(5));
System.out.println(expression1.getValue()); // Prints 8.

Expression expression2 = new Calculation(Calculation::multiply, new Number(2), expression1);
System.out.println(expression2.getValue()); // Prints 16.

13.3.3. Lambda expressions

Like method references, lambda expressions can be used anywhere with a matching functional interface; however, a lambda expression defines a method right where you need it, without the requirement for an existing method in any class.

The syntax rules for lambda expressions are complicated, mostly because parts of them can sometimes be left off to make code shorter and easier to read. Note that lambda expressions always contain an arrow (->) between the parameters and the code that shows what computation the lambda does on the parameters.

A single-line lambda expression that adds two int values together, similar to the add() method in the Calculation class, might look like the following.

Operation add = (int a, int b) -> a + b;

In almost all cases, the types for the parameters in lambda expressions can be omitted. The Java compiler uses a process called type inference to determine what the types should be. Thus, the code above could be written in a shorter way.

Operation add = (a, b) -> a + b;

The parameters a and b still both have type int, but it’s unnecessary to state the type explicitly.

Pitfall: Arrow symbols

The arrow is not a single character you can type. Unicode contains several characters with the appearance of an arrow, but like all Java operators, the arrow used for lambda expressions is made up of characters that can be easily typed on a standard keyboard. In fact, it’s made up of two characters, a minus (-) and a greater than (>). Although whitespace is generally unimportant in Java, these two characters must appear next to each other to make an arrow, with no space in between.

Some languages have an arrow that uses an equal (=) instead of a minus, making an arrow whose appearance is =>. This arrow is not a legal operator in Java and cannot be substituted for ->.

In the two code segments above, we’re storing a lambda expression into a variable with a functional interface type, namely Operation. While doing so is allowed, it’s much more common to use a lambda expression directly, right where we need it. For example, we can recreate the code from the end of the last section using lambda expressions.

Expression expression1 = new Calculation((a, b) -> a + b, new Number(3), new Number(5));
System.out.println(expression1.getValue()); // Prints 8.

Expression expression2 = new Calculation((a, b) -> a * b, new Number(2), expression1);
System.out.println(expression2.getValue()); // Prints 16.
Example 13.2 Custom sorting

In Section 6.9.2, we introduced Arrays, a utility class that provides tools for interacting with arrays. It contains several overloaded sort() methods that can be used to sort arrays of data. While this approach works well for sorting primitive data in ascending order, it will fail to sort reference types unless they implement the Comparable interface.

However, we can use lambda expressions to sort reference types that don’t implement this interface. Better yet, we can also use lambda expressions to sort objects based on any characteristic we’re interested in. Consider the following code.

String[] words = {"telephone", "architecture", "union", "drawers", "fruits"};

As expected, this code prints the words in dictionary order: [architecture, drawers, fruits, telephone, union]

But what if we wanted to sort the words based on their length instead? We could use the following code that includes a lambda expression to do the comparison.

Arrays.sort(words, (a, b) -> a.length() - b.length());

Now, the words will be printed out from shortest to longest: [union, fruits, drawers, telephone, architecture]

How does this sorting work? The lambda expression is clear enough: It takes two parameters a and b (whose types it has inferred to be String) and subtracts the length of b from the length of a. But why does it work? The key idea is that sorting requires the comparison of two objects. The sorting algorithm will look at two objects and decide which one comes earlier in the final sorted list. By making many comparisons between objects, it can ultimately sort the whole list.

What adds another layer of complexity is that Java expects the result of a comparison to be an int value. This value will be negative if the first object comes earlier in the sorted order than the second, positive if the first object comes later in the sorted order than the second, and zero if the two objects go in exactly the same place in the sorted order (like two String values with the same length). By subtracting the lengths of the two String values, the lambda expression returns a negative number if the first String has a length shorter than the second, a positive number if the first String has a length longer than the second, and zero if the two String values have the same length. Although unintuitive, this approach using subtraction can be used for many kinds of comparisons.

Since most comparisons are based on characteristics of objects that can be retrieved from methods, there are often ways to perform the comparison using a method reference instead of a lambda expression. For example, we could have achieved the same sorting by length as follows.

Arrays.sort(words, Comparator.comparingInt(String::length));

As before, the sort() method takes a custom Comparator object. In this case, it’s one created by doing an integer comparison (essentially subtraction) on the result of applying the length() method from the String class to the String objects in the words array. The exact mechanism of how the comparingInt() method creates the right kind of Comparator object from the length() method is murky and involves complicated type inference. However, it’s important to know that this technique is available since sorting objects based on arbitrary characteristics comes up frequently in practice, and many experienced developers believe that using a method reference is more readable than a lambda expression.

There’s one final caveat we want to mention about custom sorting. It is, unfortunately, difficult to sort arrays of primitive values using custom Comparator objects, because of the way that Java uses generics, a tool that allows code to be written to work with many different types. We’ll talk more about generics in Section 19.5.1.

Sorting an array of int values in ascending order (smallest to largest), for example, can be done with an overloaded version of the Arrays.sort() method.

int[] intValues = {34, 42, 90, 61, 29};

As you would expect, this code prints: [29, 34, 42, 61, 90]

However, there’s no straightforward way to sort these numbers in descending order (largest to smallest). It would be tempting to use a lambda expression as follows.

Arrays.sort(intValues, (a, b) -> b - a); // Does not compile!

However, only reference types (not primitive types like int) can be used with the generic types that make the custom Comparator work, so this code won’t compile. For this specific case, there are two alternatives.

  1. Sort the list in ascending order and then write additional code to reverse it.

  2. Copy the contents of the array into an array of Integer values and use a custom Comparator on that.

Simply by declaring the array as type Integer[], we can sort it with a custom Comparator.

Integer[] wrappedValues = {34, 42, 90, 61, 29};
Arrays.sort(wrappedValues, (a, b) -> b - a);

Because the comparison is based on b - a (rather than a - b), this code sorts wrappedValues in descending order, giving: [90, 61, 42, 34, 29]

When using the Arrays class for sorting, remember that you’ll only be able to use a custom Comparator, based on either a lambda expression or method references, if your array contains reference types. Sorting an array of primitive types requires turning them into an array of the appropriate wrapper class objects. Sometimes, this approach will be the best solution, but turning primitive values into objects costs both time and extra memory.

Longer lambda expressions

Lambda expressions are perhaps at their best when they’re shorter than a single line. It both makes sense and is relatively readable to define a lambda expression that only does one or two simple operations like addition or subtraction. However, there are cases when a lambda expression must contain several lines of code to get the job done, and Java provides a way to do this, with slightly different syntax.

Recall the Max class in Section 13.3.2. It contains a single method called max() that finds the larger of two int values. We stored a reference to this method in a variable with type Operator as follows.

Operator operator = Max::max;

Using the ternary operator, we could write a single line of code that finds the larger of two values, but it feels more natural to write the code as we did in the max() method. We can do so with a lambda expression by putting everything after the arrow inside braces ({ }) and including appropriate return statements.

Operator operator = (a, b) -> {
    if (a >= b) {
        return a;
    } else {
        return b;

This code shows a longer lambda expression where everything after the arrow looks like a normal method body. Note that a semicolon is still required after the closing brace since the entire lambda expression is treated by the compiler like a single expression, even though it takes up multiple lines.

What is perhaps even more surprising is that we can even include local variables inside of a lambda expression. For example, the following code allows us to have behavior similar to the max() method in the MaxWithMinimum class. It finds the larger of two values but defaults to a minimum if neither value is as large as the minimum.

int minimum = 10;
Operator operator = (a, b) -> {
    int result = minimum; // Use of local variable
    if (a >= result)
        result = a;
    if (b >= result)
        result = b;
    return result;
Pitfall: Effectively final

When using local variables from an enclosing method inside of lambda expressions (or anonymous inner classes), those local variables must be effectively final, which means that their values are never changed once they’ve been assigned. You can think of local variables as constants that are provided to a lambda expression. It gets the value of the local variable and can use it for computation, but Java requires that the value of that variable never changes. The goal is to minimize confusion. What would it mean if a variable did change? Could executing a lambda expression in later code change a local variable in a way that isn’t transparent to the programmer? Maybe the method containing that local variable has already returned, so there is no local variable to update. Likewise, what if the local variable had been changed before the lambda expression was executed? Would it use the value it was created with or the updated value?

The developers of Java decided to avoid all this complication by requiring the variable to be effectively final. Another way to think about effectively final variables is that they could be explicitly marked with the final keyword without causing the compiler to complain about them being reassigned.

Consider the following code that is similar to the lambda expression above except that it makes the largest value that it finds into the new minimum. Such code might be useful if we wanted a series of maximum values that never decrease over the course of the program.

int minimum = 10;
Operator operator = (a, b) -> {
    int result = minimum; // Use of local variable
    if (a >= result)
        result = a;
    if (b >= result)
        result = b;
    minimum = result; // Reassignment of local variable
    return result;

Because the local variable minimum is reassigned, it isn’t effectively final, and it won’t compile.

Sometimes, this requirement forces the programmer to add an additional variable to the body of a lambda expression, since that inner variable can be changed. Note that this requirement does not apply to member variables, which can also be changed inside of lambda expressions.

13.3.4. Syntactic sugar

Java 8 was released in 2014, and people were excited to use the new functional features it provided. As slick as these features are, they didn’t make it possible to do anything that was impossible before. Even though method references were new, it had already been possible to make interfaces with a single method and then store objects with a matching method into variables with that interface type. While lambda expressions are much less clunky, the same functionality could be achieved with anonymous inner classes.

Java 8 did make some fundamental changes to the JVM, but these changes mostly had to do with memory management. By contrast, the functional programming tools that we’re discussing in this chapter are what some people call syntactic sugar. Syntactic sugar refers to syntax that makes a language easier to program without making deep changes to how the language works. The language simply becomes sweeter to use.

To get a sense of the syntactic sugar that lambda expressions provide, let’s write code that defines a class that implements the Operator interface, creating an evaluate() method that performs multiplication on its two inputs. For the first version of the code, we’ll use an anonymous inner class.

Operator multiply = new Operator() {
    public int evaluate(int a, int b) {
        return a * b;

This anonymous inner class approach works for pretty much every version of Java. However, note how much syntax is needed to wrap up the only code that matters, the code that specifies that evaluate() will multiply its two parameters.

From there, we can consider an equivalent version of the code that uses a lambda expression but doesn’t take advantage of all the shortcuts that could be used.

Operator multiply = (int a, int b) -> {
    return a * b;

This code is functionally equivalent to the version using an anonymous inner class. Internally, the JVM almost certainly creates a new object with an evaluate() method that implements the Operator interface, but that tedious work is taken care of for you.

Finally, we can consider the slimmest version of the code, which uses all the syntax shortcuts that lambda expressions allow, sugaring the syntax even further.

Operator multiply = (a, b) -> a * b;

As you’ve already seen in this chapter, we can usually leave off parameter types in lambda expressions. For single-line expressions, we can also leave off the braces and imply the return statement. Again, this code is functionally equivalent to the first version using an anonymous inner class, but syntactic sugar has allowed us to write it in a more concise, more readable way.

The enhanced for loops we discussed in Section 6.9.1 are also syntactic sugar since they allow a for loop to be written more compactly. Examples of syntactic sugar exist in almost every language. There are tasks that come up so frequently that the developers of the language decided to make a shortcut for those tasks, even though existing syntax could get the job done.

It pays to be aware of syntactic sugar for two reasons. First, you’ll understand a language more deeply when you realize that one piece of syntax is really just a shortcut for another. Second, programmers tend to prefer the sugared version of syntax. Using the syntax that the community prefers allows you to write more idiomatically, in the accepted style. Since programming is about clear communication with both computers and other programmers, adhering to a common style is valuable.

13.4. Advanced: Streams

When programming, we often have a list of data that we want to manipulate in some way:

  • Perform an operation with every value.

  • Filter out certain values.

  • Find a value that matches some criteria.

  • Aggregate values to find information like the maximum, minimum, sum, or average.

When you see these manipulations, you might immediately think of loops, likely for loops. While loops are are a perfectly reasonable approach to manipulating collections of data, Java 8 introduced an alternative, the Stream API, which allows collections of data to be processed as streams.

Loops put the emphasis on iterating through data, with the operations done specified in the body of the loop. Streams put the emphasis on the operations being performed, with the assumption that these operations will be performed on all the data (or at least all the data that matches the requirements). As with the other functional tools, streams are a kind of syntactic sugar. You can’t do anything with streams that you couldn’t do with loops, but many programmers find streams easier to read and less prone to mistakes.

13.4.1. Creating streams

Streams are library code, not part of core Java. Most of the examples below will assume that everything in the java.util and the java.util.stream packages has been imported. To use streams, we first need to turn our list of data into a stream. Consider the following code in which we start with an array of String values.

String[] list = {"favorable", "acquit", "unfair", "insert", "vegetarian", "origin"};
var words = Stream.of(list);

In this code, words will now contain a stream of String values. The Stream.of() method can also take a comma-separated list of values with any length. Thus, if you didn’t already have an array you wanted to use, you could put a list of values directly into a stream as follows.

var words = Stream.of("vegetarian", "acquit", "unfair", "insert", "favorable", "origin");

We’ll discuss a number of other data structures in Chapter 19. Most of the standard Java data structures in the Java Collections Framework (JCF) contain a stream() method that puts the contents of the data structure into a new stream. Although you might not yet be familiar with the List interface, it’s a useful tool you will use frequently as a Java programmer to store a list of data. The code below shows an example with a List that results in a stream identical to the array examples we’ve already given.

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
var words = list.stream();

For now, it’s not terribly important to focus on the syntax for creating a stream. What is important is that Java provides a number of easy ways to create streams from existing collections of data.

13.4.2. Terminal operations

Streams have a forEach() method that takes a method reference or lambda expression saying what should be done with each element. Using forEach() processes the stream, performing the operation on each element. The forEach() method is a terminal operation, meaning that it’s the last thing that can be done to a stream. Once a terminal operation has been done, the stream can’t be used anymore.

The following code prints out every String in words.

words.forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));

The output for this code is below.


One can argue whether this stream-based approach to printing words is better than using a loop directly. Regardless, it is readable and likely to take a similar amount of time to execute.

There are many terminal operations in the Stream class that will, among other things, determine if one or all elements in the stream match a condition, collect the elements of a stream into another data structure, count the elements in a stream, find an element in the stream that matches a condition, find a maximum or minimum element, or reduce the elements in the stream to an aggregate value like a sum.

13.4.3. Intermediate operations

Using only a terminal operation doesn’t showcase the flexibility or power of streams. Before performing a single terminal operation, programmers will often apply one or more intermediate operations on a stream. These operations transform the stream by sorting it, removing values, or making a new stream by processing the members of the original stream in some way.

The filter() method is a common intermediate operation that will keep only the elements that meet a condition. In this case, the condition is given by a lambda expression or method reference that returns a boolean. For example, we can first filter our stream by keeping only those String values whose length is 8 or more and then print out whatever’s remaining.

    .filter(e -> e.length() >= 8)
    .forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));

As you can see in the updated output below, we now only print out two words.


We can also apply multiple intermediate operations at once. For example, we can sort the data after filtering it.

    .filter(e -> e.length() >= 8)
    .forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));

As expected, we get the same two words but now in sorted order.


Note the indentation of the code above. When multiple operations are done on a stream, many style guides encourage programmers to indent each operation on a separate line, in order to improve readability.

Intermediate operations can do more than remove or reorder elements from the stream. The map() method creates a new stream by applying a function to elements from the original stream. For example, the following code will transform the stream of words into a stream containing each word concatenated with itself, before printing out this new stream.

    .map(e -> e + e)
    .forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));

The output is each word doubled.


13.4.4. Streams of primitive values

In Section 19.5, we’ll discuss generic types, a way to program data structures with a type variable, allowing, for example, a list class to be designed to hold a specific (but unknown) type that a user can later specify inside angle brackets (< >). For example, ArrayList<String> is a type for a list of String objects, but ArrayList<Wombat> is a type for a list of Wombat objects. Generic types allow a library designer to program a list class a single time that will work with any specific type, combining code reuse with type safety.

Generic types were introduced in Java 5, after the language had made many significant design choices. Unfortunately, some of these design choices meant that primitive types could never be supplied for a generic type variable. Thus, ArrayList<Integer> is allowed, but ArrayList<int> is not. Because the Java 8 Stream API builds heavily on generic types, they had to make specialized streams to accommodate primitive types.

Specifically, you may want (or need) to use IntStream, LongStream, or DoubleStream if you need streams of int, long, or double values. No specialized streams are available for boolean, byte, char, or short.

Instead of using the Stream type to create primitive streams, use the specific primitive stream type.

var numbers = IntStream.of(3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

These streams can be created from existing lists or generated with the iterate() method (and additionally with the range() and rangeClosed() methods for IntStream and LongStream. The following code generates five identical streams.

int[] array = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
var stream1 = IntStream.of(array);                       (1)
var stream2 = IntStream.of(3, 4, 5, 6, 7);               (2)
var stream3 = IntStream.range(3, 8);                     (3)
var stream4 = IntStream.rangeClosed(3, 7);               (4)
var stream5 = IntStream.iterate(3, e -> e + 1).limit(5); (5)
1 Creates stream1 from an existing array.
2 Creates stream2 from an explicit list of int values.
3 Generates stream3 from the range of values from 3 up to (but not including) 8.
4 Generates stream4 from the range of values from 3 up to (and including) 7.
5 Generates stream5, starting at 3 and incrementing the value by 1 each time, limiting the length of the stream to 5 elements.

These streams of primitive values behave exactly like general streams, but they can be more efficient and add a few useful methods like max(), min(), and sum(), which find the maximum value, the minimum value, and the sum of all the elements in the stream, respectively. Note that these methods are terminal operations and so can only be called once per stream. Also, max() and min() return a special optional type that requires a getAsInt() (or similar), since the result could be null if the stream is empty.

System.out.println(stream1.max().getAsInt()); // Prints 7.
System.out.println(stream2.min().getAsInt()); // Prints 3.
System.out.println(stream3.sum());            // Prints 25.

13.4.5. Lazy evaluation

In the example above where we create an IntStream with the iterate() method, we give the starting point of 3 followed by a lambda expression to add 1 to the current value in order to get the next value. Without the limit() method, we would have defined an infinite stream, which is allowed.

In fact, infinite streams aren’t necessarily a problem since all streams use lazy evaluation. Laziness is generally considered negative, but it can be an admirable quality in computer science. Lazy evaluation means that a stream doesn’t do computation on an element in the stream until it’s needed. Adding a long sequence of intermediate operations doesn’t mean that those operations will get performed on everything in stream. For example, the findFirst() and findAny() methods are terminal operations that will return only a single element from the stream. When using findFirst(), it will transform the first element of the stream based on intermediate operations, and if the first element matches, it will return that element, without processing others in the stream.

Because of lazy evaluation, no work on an element in a stream is triggered until a terminal operation requires that element. This design means that programmers don’t need to worry too much about efficiency when planning the order of intermediate operations. Consider the following code that generates 100 elements, waits 1,000 milliseconds (one second) for each one, limits the size of the stream to 5 elements, and then prints out each remaining element.

IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100)
    .peek(e -> {
        try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
    .forEach(e -> System.out.println(e));

The peek() method is an intermediate operation that allows the programmer to use each element of the stream before the terminal operation, “peeking” at its value. In this case, we’re only using the peek() method to call the Thread.sleep() method to wait for a second, ignoring the value of the element. A quick reading of this code segment might suggest that the program would wait a total of 100 seconds. Instead, it only waits 5, since only the elements that are processed by the terminal operation are processed by peek(). Because the limit() step comes after the peek() step that does the waiting, it seems like all 100 elements should incur a wait of one second, but the order of intermediate operations doesn’t matter in this case.

Lazy evaluation means that programmers can focus on what the intermediate operations should be, instead of their order. The biggest performance gains from lazy evaluation happen when the stream processing stops after finding a single element or when processing only a fraction of the total elements in the stream. Lazy evaluation won’t give any speed improvement when every element in a stream is processed, but it won’t cause any problems, either.

If a programmer is concerned about squeezing every ounce of performance out of a repetitive task, loops will provide more control. Thus, loops could be a better solution when performance really matters. However, lazy evaluation makes streams competitive with loops, without requiring much analysis about the most efficient way to process intermediate operations.

13.5. Solution: Cryptography tools

Now, we can solve our original problem of making a reusable framework for several different encryption schemes. The first step is to make a functional interface for a method that takes a char (the letter to be encrypted) and an int (the index of that letter in the message) and returns a new char (the encrypted version).

interface Processable {
    char process(char input, int index);

With the Processable functional interface in place, we can develop classes to perform encryption and decryption with methods that match this interface. First, we’ll make a class for the Caesar cipher.

public class CaesarCipher {
    private final int key;

    public CaesarCipher(int key) {               (1)
        while (key < 0) {
            key += 26;
        key %= 26;
        this.key = key;

    public char encrypt(char input, int index) { (2)
        return (char)((input - 'A' + key) % 26 + 'A');

    public char decrypt(char input, int index) { (3)
        return (char)((input - 'A' - key + 26) % 26 + 'A');
1 The constructor takes an int value specifying the key for the Caesar cipher, the number of places to move a given letter of the alphabet forward. If the key is negative, it repeatedly adds 26. Then, it takes the result modulo 26, eliminating keys larger than 25. The final key is guaranteed to be between 0 and 25.
2 The encrypt() method matches the Processable interface and encrypts a single letter using the Caesar cipher. First, it subtracts 'A' so that the value is from 0 to 25. Then, it adds the key value. Next, it takes the result modulo 26 so that values larger than 25 will wrap back around to remain in the 0 to 25 range. Finally, it casts the result to a char since doing arithmetic on char values results in an int value.
3 The decrypt() method also matches the Processable interface but decrypts a single letter using the Caesar cipher. It follows the same process as encrypt() except that it subtracts the key value and adds 26 (in case subtracting the key value makes a negative number, which would be a problem since the modulo operator in Java doesn’t work correctly with negative values).

We can also add a class for the affine cipher.

public class AffineCipher {
    private final int a;
    private final int b;
    private int inverseA;

    public AffineCipher(int a, int b) {          (1)
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        inverseA = 1;                            (2)
        while ((a * inverseA) % 26 != 1 && inverseA < 26) {

        if (inverseA >= 26) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(a + " has no multiplicative inverse mod 26");

    public char encrypt(char input, int index) { (3)
        return (char)(((input - 'A') * a + b) % 26 + 'A');

    public char decrypt(char input, int index) { (4)
        int result = (input - 'A' - b) * inverseA;
        while (result < 0) {
            result += 26;
        return (char)(result % 26 + 'A');
1 The constructor takes two int values specifying the key for the affine cipher. The key is made up of two values, a and b, where a given letter whose numerical value is x will be encrypted to a · x + b.
2 To work, a value for a must have a multiplicative inverse modulo 26. In other words, there must be some number a-1 such that a · a-1 mod 26 = 1. We use a while loop to run through the only legal values for an inverse, 1 through 25. If we don’t find an inverse, we throw an exception.
3 The encrypt() method matches the Processable interface and encrypts a single letter using the affine cipher. Like the Caesar cipher, it subtracts 'A' so that the value is from 0 to 25. Then, it multiples by a and adds b. Again, like the Caesar cipher, it takes the result modulo 26 so that values larger than 25 will wrap back around to remain in the 0 to 25 range. Finally, it also casts the result to a char.
4 The decrypt() method also matches the Processable interface but decrypts a single letter using the affine cipher. It follows a similar process as encrypt() except that it subtracts b and multiplies by a-1.

Although it’s possible to add even more ciphers, the last one we’ll add is the Vigenère cipher.

public class VigenereCipher {
    private final String key;

    public VigenereCipher(String key) {          (1)
        for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i) {
            if (key.charAt(i) < 'A' || key.charAt(i) > 'Z') {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key must only contain uppercase letters");
        this.key = key;

    public char encrypt(char input, int index) { (2)
        return (char)((input - 'A' + key.charAt(index % key.length()) - 'A') % 26 + 'A');

    public char decrypt(char input, int index) { (3)
        return (char)((input - 'A' - (key.charAt(index % key.length()) - 'A') + 26) % 26 + 'A');
1 The constructor takes a String value specifying the key phrase for the Vigenère cipher. It loops through the characters in the key to be sure they’re all uppercase letters.
2 The encrypt() method matches the Processable interface and encrypts a single letter using the Vigenère cipher. Unlike the previous two ciphers, the Vigenère cipher uses the index value so that it knows where in the ciphertext it is (and consequently which character in the key it should use). It uses the index modulo the length of the key so that locations in the original message that are longer than the key will wrap back around to legal locations in the key. To make the values of the letters be between from 0 to 25, it subtracts 'A' from both. Then, it adds the two values together and takes the result modulo 26 so that values larger than 25 will wrap back around to remain in the 0 to 25 range. Like the previous two ciphers, it casts the result to a char.
3 The decrypt() method also matches the Processable interface but decrypts a single letter using the Vigenère cipher. It follows a similar process as encrypt() except that it subtracts the key letter instead of adding it.

With the Processable functional interface and some sample encryption schemes to use, we’re finally ready to make our framework for encryption and decryption. In fact, it won’t use very much code.

public class CryptographyFramework {
    public static String process(String input, Processable processable) { (1)
        var result = new StringBuilder();                                 (2)
        input = input.toUpperCase();                                      (3)
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) {                        (4)
            char letter = input.charAt(i);
            if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z') {                         (5)
                result.append(processable.process(letter, i));            (6)
            } else {
                result.append(letter);                                    (7)

        return result.toString();                                         (8)
1 The critical method we need is process(), which takes an input String and a method reference or lambda expression (in the form of a Processable interface) and returns the processed output. By writing our code carefully, we can use this method for both encryption and decryption.
2 Because process() might be encrypting or decrypting a long String, it uses a StringBuilder which is more efficient than doing repeated String concatenations. We first introduced StringBuilder in Example 5.4 from Chapter 5.
3 Many encryption algorithms can encrypt any sequence of bytes, but this code assumes classical encryption algorithms that can only encrypt uppercase letters. As a defensive coding measure, it converts the input to an uppercase version.
4 The code loops over the length of the input String.
5 Only uppercase letters (rather than a symbols or whitespace) are processed.
6 Here the process() method from the Processable object is used to perform the actual encryption or decryption. This method can be supplied as a method reference or a lambda expression.
7 If letter is not an uppercase letter, it is appended to result unchanged. Doing so is a bad idea from the perspective of strong encryption, but it will make it easier to test our program.
8 Finally, result is converted into a String and returned.

Although the process() method is the only one required for our framework, it’s useful to have a main() method we can use to test the system.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String plaintext = "CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR";                       (1)
        CaesarCipher caesarCipher = new CaesarCipher(7);                                   (2)
        AffineCipher affineCipher = new AffineCipher(5, 8);                                (3)
        VigenereCipher vigenereCipher = new VigenereCipher("SHAKESPEARE");                 (4)
        System.out.println("Caesar Cipher (key = 7)");
        String cipherText = process(plaintext, caesarCipher::encrypt);                     (5)
        System.out.println("Ciphertext: " + cipherText);
        System.out.println("Plaintext:  " + process(cipherText, caesarCipher::decrypt));   (6)

        System.out.println("Affine Cipher (key = 5x + 8)");
        cipherText = process(plaintext, affineCipher::encrypt);                            (7)
        System.out.println("Ciphertext: " + cipherText);
        System.out.println("Plaintext:  " + process(cipherText, affineCipher::decrypt));   (8)

        System.out.println("Vigenere Cipher (key = SHAKESPEARE)");
        cipherText = process(plaintext, vigenereCipher::encrypt);                          (9)
        System.out.println("Ciphertext: " + cipherText);
        System.out.println("Plaintext:  " + process(cipherText, vigenereCipher::decrypt)); (10)
1 For testing purposes, we’ll encrypt "CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR" from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.
2 This caesarCipher object implements the Caesar cipher with a key of 7.
3 This affineCipher object implements the affine cipher with a key whose a value is 5 and b value is 8.
4 This vigenereCipher object implements the Vigenère cipher with a key of "SHAKESPEARE".
5 The first ciphertext is encrypted by calling process() with a reference to the encrypt() method of the caesarCipher object.
6 The first ciphertext is decrypted to the original message by calling process() with a reference to the decrypt() method of the caesarCipher object.
7 The second ciphertext is encrypted by calling process() with a reference to the encrypt() method of the affineCipher object.
8 The second ciphertext is decrypted to the original message by calling process() with a reference to the decrypt() method of the affineCipher object.
9 The third ciphertext is encrypted by calling process() with a reference to the encrypt() method of the vigenereCipher object.
10 The third ciphertext is decrypted to the original message by calling process() with a reference to the decrypt() method of the vigenereCipher object.

The output of running this program is as follows.

Caesar Cipher (key = 7)

Affine Cipher (key = 5x + 8)

Vigenere Cipher (key = SHAKESPEARE)

Of course, we could add more and more encryption schemes and pass appropriate method references from those objects to the process() method. While using method references is likely more readable, lambda expressions could be used as well. Consider the following code that performs the Caesar cipher with a key of 7, using a lambda expression instead of a method reference. Its output will be identical to the version that passes in caesarCipher::encrypt.

String cipherText = process(plaintext, (letter, index) -> (char)((letter - 'A' + 7) % 26 + 'A'));
System.out.println("Ciphertext: " + cipherText);

Since they’re more readable, use method references when available. Otherwise, lambda expressions can be used for quick and dirty situations, especially when the code will only be used a single time and doesn’t warrant the creation of a method to reference.

13.6. Concurrency: Lambda expressions and parallel streams

13.6.1. Threads with lambda expressions

Chapter 14 is where we’ll finally introduce the Java syntax for concurrency using threading, and we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves.

That said, a key problem when creating a thread is specifying what code will be executed. Runnable is a functional interface that contains the abstract method void run(). Because it’s a functional interface, you can create a lambda expression that matches it. Below, the code will do just that, printing out "Threaded world!" when executed.

Thread thread = new Thread(() -> System.out.println("Threaded world!"));

If you’re hungry for more details about how to use threads to solve problems, head over to the next chapter.

13.6.2. Parallel streams

Just as you can use streams to process data sequentially with a single core, you can also use them to process data in parallel with multiple cores. In general, sequential streams can be converted into parallel ones and vice versa.

Consider the following code that creates a parallel stream instead of a sequential one, by calling the parallelStream() method on a list instead of the stream() method.

var words = Arrays.asList("paragraph", "understand", "stir", "exemption", "dance");
    .forEach(word -> System.out.println(word));

Just like the sequential stream, this code will print out each word. However, there’s no guarantee when each thread will execute the code that prints out. Thus, a parallel stream might print the words in an unpredictable order. On one execution, the code above might have the following output.


On others, it could be different, even matching the sequential output.

A parallel stream can also process data beyond doing simple output. For example, the following code finds the longest String in the stream, "understand" in this case.

String longest = words
    .reduce("", (word1, word2) -> {
        if (word1.length() >= word2.length()) {
            return word1;
        } else {
            return word2;

This code works provided that the operation being done in the reduce() call is associative, meaning that it doesn’t matter how the data is divided up before performing the operation. The operations will still be applied in order, but the left half and the right half of the list of numbers might be processed at the same time before the left result is combined with the right result.

This idea mirrors associative operations in math, which can arbitrarily add or remove parentheses without affecting the results. For example, addition is associative, as demonstrated by the equation (5 + 3) + 7 = 15 = 5 + (3 + 7). However, subtraction is not associative, since (5 - 3) - 7 = -5 ≠ 5 - (3 - 7) = 9.

Of course, comparing the lengths of two String values is not very computationally intensive, so using parallel streams here is unlikely to be faster than using sequential streams (or for loops). Nevertheless, there may be some cases where the operations done on each element of data are time-consuming enough that using a parallel stream will be faster. For that to be true, the processor must have multiple cores, and the work that the Stream API is doing behind the scenes to create threads and coordinate them must not take up more time than the savings gained through parallel computation.

Consider the following code that finds the sum of the sines of the numbers from 0 up to (but not including) 1,000,000, using both parallel and sequential streams.

double[] numbers = new double[1000000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
    numbers[i] = i;

double parallelSum = DoubleStream.of(numbers)
    .map(number -> Math.sin(number))

double sequentialSum = DoubleStream.of(numbers)
    .map(number -> Math.sin(number))

System.out.println("Parallel sum:   " + parallelSum);
System.out.println("Sequential sum: " + sequentialSum);

On our test system, the output is as follows.

Parallel sum:   0.23288397807311884
Sequential sum: 0.23288397807311667

There’s a small difference between the results because the order in which the numbers were added was different. Consequently, there can be differences in floating-point rounding. These differences will depend on the number of threads created by the system, which is automatically determined by the number of cores.

Depending on a number of different properties of a given system, the parallel stream in this example might take more or less time than the sequential one.

We’ll return to a similar problem in Example 14.10, where we’ll handle the details of thread creation directly instead of using streams. Although parallel streams are a useful, readable tool that can solve this particular problem, they’re not flexible enough to perform all parallel processing tasks.

13.7. Exercises

Conceptual Problems

  1. What are some features of functional languages that make them different from typical object-oriented languages like Java?

  2. How is a functional interface different from a normal interface in Java?

  3. What is a method reference, and what is the syntax for a reference to a specific method on a particular object?

  4. What’s the difference between a method reference and a lambda expression?

  5. Under what circumstances should you use a lambda expression instead of a method reference?

  6. Give two examples of syntactic sugar in Java.

  7. Why are streams useful, even though everything that can be done with streams can also be accomplished with loops?

  8. In the context of streams, what is lazy evaluation?

Programming Practice

  1. Consider a functional interface called StringComparator.

    1. Write such an interface with a compare() method that takes two String values and returns an int.

    2. Write a lambda expression compatible with this interface that compares the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) in the two String values. If the first String has more vowels, return a positive number. If the second String has more vowels, return a negative number. If they have the same number of vowels, return 0.

  2. Sorting String values is a common task, but calling the normal, one-parameter version of Arrays.sort() on an array of String values will sort them in a case-sensitive way, putting all words that start with an uppercase letter before any word that starts with a lowercase letter. Pass a lambda expression to the second parameter of Arrays.sort() so that it will sort an array of String values in a case-insensitive way. Hint: You can use the compareToIgnoreCase() method on String objects.

    Test your code on the following array.

    String[] words = {"Split", "portion", "Echo", "Visit", "allowance", "distribute", "NAME", "freighter", "lean", "Facade"};
  3. Rewrite your solution to the previous exercise to pass in only a single method reference, not a lambda expression.

  4. When trying to break a classical encryption, a common technique is a frequency attack, which counts the occurrences of each letters in a ciphertext. Since some letters in English are used commonly while others are rare, the count of each letter can give insight into how the ciphertext was encrypted and how it can be decrypted.

    The IntStream class is used for streams of char values. In fact, there’s a chars() method on String objects that returns a stream of int values whose numerical values are the same as the char values. First, create an array of int values with length 26 to count the occurrences of each letter of the alphabet. Then, use the chars() method on a String to process all its char values in a stream, incrementing the location in the array that corresponds to the letter of the alphabet (0 for A, 1 for B, and so on). Skip values that aren’t uppercase letters.

    Finally, flesh out this code into a full program that reads in a String and reports the fraction of the text corresponding to each letter. Although you must use a stream to count the letter occurrences, you may use a loop to print out the final letter frequencies.

  5. Write code that will convert a list of Integer values into a stream, keep only the even numbers, and print out the remaining values. Use no loops. For example, you might start with the following list.

    var numbers = Arrays.asList(75, 38, 173, 176, 11, 188, 130, 94, 159, 52);

    Then, the matching output would be below.

  6. Write code that generates a stream of values from 1 up to (and including) 100, finds the square root of each number, and prints it out. You can either use IntStream to generate these numbers and then convert the stream to a DoubleStream or you can generate a DoubleStream directly. No loops should appear in the code.


  1. Lazy evaluation is a powerful tool, but it doesn’t entirely remove the burden of optimizing performance. To understand the issues, create an array of int values with length 100,000,000. Fill the array with random values by repeatedly calling the nextInt() method on a Random object. Now, create an IntStream from the array, filter it first to contain only int values that are less than 10,000, then filter it to contain only odd numbers, and finally use the max() method to find the largest value. Then, create a second IntStream from the same array, filter it first to contain only odd numbers, then filter it to contain only int values that are less than 10,000, and again use the max() method to find the largest value. Since both streams are finding the largest odd number less than 10,000 in the array, the results should be the same. Now, insert timing code to see how long each stream took to find the answer. Run the code several times to be sure the answer is consistent. Which stream takes longer to run, and why?

  2. In Section 13.6.2, we gave an example using both sequential and parallel streams to find the sum of the sines of the numbers from 0 up to (but not including) 1,000,000. Add timing code to this example to determine how long the sequential and parallel versions take. Is the parallel version faster than the sequential? If it is, divide the size of the problem by 10 (100,000 values) to see if it’s still faster. If the parallel version isn’t faster, multiply the size of the problem by 10 (10,000,000 values) and time it again. Keep dividing or multiplying the size of the problem until the sequential and parallel versions switch order in terms of running time.

  3. Write a loop that performs the same summation of the sines of numbers from 0 up (but not including) 1,000,000 and time it. How does its running time compare to the sequential stream that performs the same task?