12. Exceptions

The vulgar mind always mistakes the exceptional for the important.

— W. R. Inge

12.1. Problem: Bank burglary

Let’s consider a problem in which various aspects of a bank burglary are modeled as Java objects. You want to write some code that will accomplish the following steps:

  1. Disable the burglar alarm

  2. Break into the bank

  3. Find the vault

  4. Open the vault

  5. Carry away the loot

But any number of things could go wrong! When trying to disable the burglar alarm, you might set it off. When you try to break into the bank, you might have thought that you’d disabled the burglar alarm but actually failed to do so. The door of the bank might be too difficult to open. The vault might be impossible to find, or the vault might be impossible to open. It could even be empty! The money might be made of enormous gold blocks that are too heavy to carry away. Finally, at any time during the heist, a night watchman might catch you in the act.

If you’re the criminal mastermind who planned this deed, you need to know if (and preferably how) your henchman bungled the burglary. You need a simple system that can inform you of any errors that have occurred along the way. Likewise, you need to be able to react differently depending on what went wrong.

We are going to model each of these error conditions with Java exceptions. An exception is how Java indicates exceptional or incorrect situations inside of a program. These exceptions are thrown when the error happens. You must then write code to catch the error and deal with it appropriately. The bank burglar program will deal with three different classes, Bank, Vault, and Loot.

The Bank class has three methods, disableAlarm(), breakIn(), and findVault(), which returns a Vault object. The Vault class has an open() method and a getLoot() method, which returns a Loot object. The Loot class has a carryAway() method. Below is a table of the exceptions which can be thrown by each of the methods.

Class Method Exceptions

In order to deal with each of these possible errors, you need some special Java syntax.

12.2. Concepts: Error handling

As a rule, computer programs are filled with errors. Writing a program is a difficult and complex process. Even if a segment of code is free from errors, it may call other code which contains mistakes. The user could be making mistakes and issuing commands to a program that are impossible to execute. Even hardware can produce errors, as in a hard drive crash or a network connectivity problem.

12.2.1. Error codes

A robust program should deal with as many errors as possible. One strategy is to have every method give back a special error code corresponding to an error when it occurs. Then, the code calling the method can react appropriately. Of course, many methods do not return a numerical type, limiting this kind of error handling. A solution that was very common in the C language, particularly in Unix system calls, was to set a globally visible int variable called errno to a value corresponding to the error that has just happened.

These approaches have a number of drawbacks. In the case of errno, if a number of different threads were running at the same time, different errors could occur simultaneously, but only one value could be kept in errno. For any system that relies on checking for an error condition after each method call, a large amount of error handling code must be mixed in with normal code. Doing so reduces code readability and makes it difficult to handle errors in a central place. Likewise, a numerical value doesn’t describe the error, requiring good documentation to know what the number means.

12.2.2. Exceptions

Java adopts a different error handling strategy called exceptions. Whenever a specified error state or unusual situation is reached, an exception is thrown. When an exception is thrown, normal execution stops immediately. The JVM starts backtracking, looking for code that’s designed to deal with that specific exception. The code that will handle the exception can be in the current method, in the calling method, in the caller of the calling method, or arbitrarily far back in the chain of method calls, all the way to main(). Each method will return, looking for code to handle this exception, until it’s found. If no handling code is found, the exception will propagate all the way past main(), and the program will end.

Exceptions give a unified and simple way to handle all errors. You can choose to deal with errors directly or delegate that responsibility to methods that call the code you’ve written. Selection statements and loops are forms of local control flow, but exceptions give us the power of non-local control flow, able to jump back through any number of method calls.

12.3. Syntax: Exceptions in Java

In Java syntax, there are two important sides of using exceptions: throwing the exception when an error occurs and then handling that exception properly. Below we explain both of these as well as the catch or specify requirement, the finally keyword, and the process of creating custom exceptions.

12.3.1. Throwing exceptions

By now you’ve probably experienced a NullPointerException in the process of coding. This exception happens when an object reference is null but we try to access one of its methods or fields.

String text = null;
int x = text.length(); // NullPointerException

In this case, the exception is thrown by the JVM itself. It is possible to catch this exception and deal with it, but a NullPointerException generally means a mistake in the program, not an error that can be recovered from. Although many useful exceptions such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException are implicitly thrown by the JVM, we’re also allowed to throw them explicitly.

if(y < 14)
    throw new NullPointerException();

Like any other object, we use the new keyword to instantiate a NullPointerException using its default constructor. Once created, we use the throw keyword to cause the exception to go into effect. Any exception you throw explicitly must use the throw keyword, but the majority of exceptions thrown by your programs will either be mistakes or exceptions thrown by library code you’re calling. If you write a significant amount of library or API code, you might use throw more often.

12.3.2. Handling exceptions

Normal application programmers will find themselves writing code that handles exceptions much more often than code that throws them. In order to catch an exception, you must enclose the code you think is going to throw an exception in a try block. Immediately after the try block, you can list one or more catch blocks. The first catch block that matches your exception will be executed.

try {
    String text = null;
    int x = text.length(); // NullPointerException
    System.out.println("This will never be printed.");
catch(NullPointerException e) {
    System.out.println("Surprise! A NullPointerException!");

In this case, trying to access the length() method of a null reference will still throw a NullPointerException, but now it’ll be caught by the catch block below. The message "Surprise! A NullPointerException!" will be printed to the screen, and execution will continue normally after the catch block. Once the exception is caught, it stops trying to propagate. Of course, whatever the code was doing when the exception was thrown was abandoned immediately because it might have depended on successful execution of the code that threw the exception. Thus, the call to the System.out.println() method in the try block will never be executed.

An exception will match the first catch block with the same class or any superclass. Since Exception is the parent of RuntimeException which is the parent of NullPointerException, we could write our example with Exception instead.

try {
    String text = null;
    int x = text.length(); // NullPointerException
    System.out.println("This will never be printed.");
catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Well, of course you got a NullPointerException!");

In general, you should write the most specific exception class possible for your catch blocks. Otherwise, you might be catching a different exception than you planned for, preventing that exception from propagating up to an appropriate handler. For example, the following code will randomly throw either a NullPointerException or an ArithmeticException (because of a division by 0).

try {
    String text = null;
    int x;
    if(Math.random() > 0.5)
        x = text.length(); // NullPointerException
        x = 5 / 0; // ArithmeticException
catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("You got some kind of exception!");

This code will catch either kind of exception, but it won’t tell you which you got. Instead, the correct approach is to have one catch block for each possible kind of exception.

try {
    String text = null;
    int x;
    if(Math.random() > 0.5)
        x = text.length(); // NullPointerException
        x = 5 / 0; // ArithmeticException
catch(NullPointerException e) {
    System.out.println("You used a null pointer!");
catch(ArithmeticException e) {
    System.out.println("You divided by zero!");

The list of catch blocks can be arbitrarily long. You must always go from the most specific exceptions to the most general, like Exception, otherwise some exceptions could never be reached. The Java compiler enforces this requirement. The e is a reference to the exception itself, which behaves something like a parameter in a method. It’s common to use e as the identifier, but you’re allowed to call it any legal variable name. Usually, the kind of exception is all you need to know, but every exception is an object and has fields and methods. Particularly useful is the getMessage() method which can give additional information about the exception.

12.3.3. Catch or specify

In contrast to the examples given above, you’ll rarely write code to catch a NullPointerException or an ArithmeticException. Both of these exceptions are called unchecked exceptions. In Chapter 6, we used the Thread.sleep() method to put the execution of our program to sleep for a short period of time. We were forced to enclose this method call in a try block with a catch block for InterruptedException.

catch(InterruptedException  e) {
    System.out.println("Wake up!");

An InterruptedException is thrown when another thread tells your thread of execution to wake up before it finishes sleeping or waiting. This exception is a checked exception, meaning that Java insists that you use a try-catch pair anytime there’s even a chance of it being thrown. Otherwise, your code won’t compile.

Checked exceptions are those exceptions that your program must plan for. Library and API code often throw checked exceptions. For example, when trying to open a file with an API call, it’s possible that no file with that name exists or that the user might not have permission to access it. A program should catch the corresponding exceptions and recover rather than crashing. Perhaps the program should prompt the user for a new name or explain that the required permission is not set.

In Chapter 6, there were no executable statements in the catch block used with the Thread.sleep() method. However, you should never write an empty catch block. Doing so allows errors to fail silently.

We’re allowed to put code that can throw a checked exception into a try-catch block, but there’s another option. Java has a catch or specify requirement, meaning that your code is required either to catch a checked exception or to specify that it has the potential for causing that exception. To specify that a method can throw certain exceptions, we use the throws keyword. Note that this is not the same as the throw keyword.

public static void sleepWithoutTry(int milliseconds) throws InterruptedException {

In this case, there’s no need for a try-catch block because the method announces that it has a risk of throwing an InterruptedException. Of course, any code that uses this method will have to have a try-catch block or specify that it also throws InterruptedException. A method can throw many different exceptions, and you can simply list them out after the throws keyword, separated by commas.

Almost every exception thrown in Java is a child class of Exception, RuntimeException, or Error. Any descendant of RuntimeException or Error is an unchecked exception and is exempt from the catch or specify requirement. Any direct descendant of Exception is a checked exception and must either be caught with a try-catch block or specified with the throws keyword. We say direct descendant because RuntimeException is a child of Exception, leading to the confusing situation where only those descendants of Exception which are not also descendants of RuntimeException are checked.

12.3.4. The finally keyword

To deal with the situation in which an important cleanup or finalizing task must be done no matter what, the designers of Java introduced the finally keyword. A finally block comes after all the catch blocks following a try block. The code inside the finally block will be executed whether or not any exception was thrown. A finally block is often used with file I/O to close the file, which should be closed whether or not something went wrong in the process of reading it, as we’ll demonstrate in [Reading and writing text files].

The finally keyword is unusually powerful. If an exception isn’t caught and propagates up another level, the finally block will be executed before propagating the exception. Even a return statement will wait for a finally block to be executed before returning, leading to the following bizarre possibility.

public static boolean neverTrue() {
    try {
        return true;
    finally {
        return false;

This method attempts to return true, but before it can finish, the finally block returns false. Only one value can be returned, and the finally block wins. You should be aware of finally blocks and their unusual semantics. Use them sparingly and only for careful cleanup operations when needed to guarantee that some event occurs.

Code in a finally block will execute no matter what unless the JVM exits or the thread in question terminates.

12.3.5. Customized exceptions

Exceptions are most useful when dealing with problems encountered by API code. In those cases, your code must merely catch exceptions defined by someone else; however, it’s sometimes useful to define your own exceptions. For one thing, you might write some API code yourself. Generally, you’ll want to use the standard exceptions whenever possible, but your code might generate some unusual or specific error condition that you want to communicate to a programmer, using your own exception.

Defining a new exception is surprisingly simple. All you have to do is write a class that extends Exception. Theoretically, you could extend RuntimeException or Error instead, but you typically won’t. Children of RuntimeException are intended to indicate a bug in the program, and children of Error are intended to indicate a system error.

When creating your new exception, you don’t even have to create any methods, but it’s wise to implement a default constructor and one that takes a String as an additional message.

public class EndOfWorldException extends Exception {
    public EndOfWorldException() {}

    public EndOfWorldException(String message) {

As with all other classes, your exceptions should be named in a readable way. This exception is apparently thrown when the world ends. It’s considered good style to end the name of any exception class with Exception. An exception class is a fully fledged class. If you need to add other fields or methods to give your exception the functionality it needs, go ahead. However, the main value of an exception lies in its existence as a named error, not in any tricks it can perform.

Here we’ll give a few examples of exception handling, although exceptions are more useful in large systems with heavy API use. We’ll start with an example of a simple calculator that detects division by zero, then look at exceptions as a tool to detect array bounds problems, and end with a custom exception used with the Color class.

Example 12.1 Calculator with division by zero

Here we implement a quick calculator that reads input from the user in the form of integer operator integer, where operator is one of the four basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /). Our code will perform the appropriate operation and output the answer, but we’ll use exception handling to avoid killing the program when a division by zero occurs.

import java.util.*;

public class QuickCalculator {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);        
        int answer = 0;
        String line = in.nextLine().trim().toLowerCase(); (1)
        while(!line.equals("quit")) { (2)
            String[] terms = line.split(" "); (3)
            int a = Integer.parseInt(terms[0]);
            char operator = terms[1].charAt(0);
            int b = Integer.parseInt(terms[2]);
1 The program reads a line of input from the user.
2 It tests to see if it’s the sentinel value "quit".
3 If it isn’t, the program parses it into two int values and a char.
            try{ (1)
                switch(operator) { (2)
                    case '+': answer = a + b; break;
                    case '-': answer = a - b; break;
                    case '*': answer = a * b; break;
                    case '/': answer = a / b; break;
                System.out.println("Answer: " + answer); (3)
            catch(ArithmeticException e) { (4)
                System.out.println("You can't divide by 0!");
            line = in.nextLine().trim().toLowerCase();
1 Here we have a try block enclosing the code where the operations occur.
2 Inside the switch statement, the code blindly performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, depending on the value of operator.
3 Then, it prints the answer.
4 However, if a division by zero occurs, the execution jumps to the catch block and prints an appropriate message.

This try-catch pair is situated inside the loop so that the input will continue even if there was a division by zero. We could achieve the same effect by using an if statement to test if the divisor is zero, but our solution allows easy extensions if there are other exceptions we want to catch.

Example 12.2 Array bounds

Exceptions provide a lot of power. If we want, we can use the ArrayOutOfBoundsException as a crutch when we don’t want to think about the bounds of our array. Although this makes for an interesting example, exceptions should not be used in Java to perform normal tasks. This method takes in an array of int values and prints them all out.

public static void exceptionalArrayPrint(int[] array) {
    try {
        int i = 0;
            System.out.print(array[i++] + " ");
    catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}

Although the while loop will run without stopping, the moment that i reaches array.length, it will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when it tries to access that element in array. Since we left the catch block empty, nothing will happen, the method will return, and everything will work fine. This example is a peculiar kind of laziness, indeed, since a for loop could achieve the same effect with fewer lines of code.

Programmers can be tempted to abuse exceptions in this way when a lot of calculations are needed to determine the correct bounds. Consider a game of Connect Four. To see if a player has won, the computer must examine all horizontal, vertical, and diagonal possibilities for four in a row. If the game board is represented as a 2D array, the programmer must be careful to make sure that checking for four in a row does not access any index greater than the last row or column or smaller than 0.

The danger of using exceptions for these kinds of tasks has several sources. First, the programmer may not deeply understand the problem and may be careless about the solution. Second, there’s a risk of hiding exceptions that are generated because of real errors. Third, the code becomes difficult to read and unintuitive. Finally, excessive use of exceptions can negatively impact performance.

Example 12.3 Color ranges

The Color class provided by Java allows us to represent a color as a triple of red, green, and blue values with each value in the range [0,255]. Using these three components, we can produce 2563 = 16,777,216 colors. If we were programming some image manipulation software, we might want to be able to increase the red, green, or blue values separately. If changing a value makes it larger than 255, we could throw an exception. Likewise, if changing a value makes it less than 0, we could throw a different exception. Let’s give two custom exceptions that could serve in these roles.

public class ColorUnderflowException extends Exception {
    public ColorUnderflowException(String message) {
    public ColorUnderflowException() { super(); }
public class ColorOverflowException extends Exception {
    public ColorOverflowException(String message) {
    public ColorOverflowException() { super(); }

Now we can write six methods, each of which increases or decreases the red, green, or blue component of a Color object by 5. If the value of the component is out of range, an appropriate exception will be thrown.

public static Color increaseRed(Color color)
    throws ColorOverflowException {
    if(color.getRed() + 5 > 255)
        throw new ColorOverflowException("Red: " + (color.getRed() + 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed() + 5, color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());

public static Color increaseGreen(Color color)
    throws ColorOverflowException {
    if(color.getGreen() + 5 > 255)
        throw new ColorOverflowException("Green: " + (color.getGreen() + 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen() + 5, color.getBlue());

public static Color increaseBlue(Color color)
    throws ColorOverflowException {
    if(color.getBlue() + 5 > 255)
        throw new ColorOverflowException("Blue: " + (color.getBlue() + 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue() + 5);

public static Color decreaseRed(Color color) throws ColorUnderflowException {
    if(color.getRed() - 5 < 0)
        throw new ColorUnderflowException("Red: " + (color.getRed() - 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed() - 5, color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());

public static Color decreaseGreen(Color color)
    throws ColorUnderflowException {
    if(color.getGreen() - 5 < 0)
        throw new ColorUnderflowException("Green: " + (color.getGreen() - 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen() - 5, color.getBlue());

public static Color decreaseBlue(Color color)
    throws ColorUnderflowException {
    if(color.getBlue() - 5 < 0)
        throw new ColorUnderflowException("Blue: " + (color.getBlue() - 5));
        return new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue() - 5);

Finally, we can write a short method that changes a given color based on user input and deals with exceptions appropriately.

public static Color changeColor(Color color) {
    System.out.println("Enter 'R', 'G', or 'B' to increase " +
        "the amount of red, green, or blue in your color. " +
        "Enter 'r', 'g', or 'b' to decrease the amount of " +
        "red, green, or blue in your color.");
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    try {
        switch(in.next().trim().charAt(0)) {
            case 'R': color = increaseRed(color); break;
            case 'G': color = increaseGreen(color); break;
            case 'B': color = increaseBlue(color); break;
            case 'r': color = decreaseRed(color); break;
            case 'g': color = decreaseGreen(color); break;
            case 'b': color = decreaseBlue(color); break;
    catch(ColorOverflowException e) {
    catch(ColorUnderflowException e) {
    return color;

The code that uses these methods and exceptions is compact. One try block enclosing the method calls is needed so that the exceptions can be caught. Following the try, there’s a catch block for the ColorOverflowException and one for the ColorUnderflowException. Each will print out its exception, including the customized message inside. If an exception occurred, the value of color would remain unchanged because the execution would have jumped to a catch block before the assignment could happen.

Note that when catching the ColorOverflowException or the ColorUnderflowException in the above code, we do the same thing in either case: print the exception. To reduce the amount of code, we could have caught Exception instead of those two specific exceptions, but doing so would catch all exceptions, not just the two related to color that we care about.

In Java 7 and higher, there’s special syntax to deal with situations like the one above where several specific exceptions are handled in the same way. The exception types are listed in a catch block with pipe symbols (|) between them. There’s still only a single reference to the exception (often named e). Using this updated syntax, we could have written the try-catch above as follows.

    try {
        switch(in.next().trim().charAt(0)) {
            case 'R': color = increaseRed(color); break;
            case 'G': color = increaseGreen(color); break;
            case 'B': color = increaseBlue(color); break;
            case 'r': color = decreaseRed(color); break;
            case 'g': color = decreaseGreen(color); break;
            case 'b': color = decreaseBlue(color); break;
    catch(ColorOverflowException | ColorUnderflowException e) {

12.4. Solution: Bank burglary

Here’s our solution to the bank burglary problem. Although somewhat fanciful, the process could be expanded into a more serious simulation. We begin by defining each of the exceptions.

public class BurglarAlarmException extends Exception {
    public BurglarAlarmException(String message) {
    public BurglarAlarmException() { super(); }
public class WatchmanException extends Exception {
    public WatchmanException(String message) {
    public WatchmanException() { super(); }
public class LockPickFailException extends Exception {
    public LockPickFailException(String message) {
    public LockPickFailException() { super(); }
public class LootTooHeavyException extends Exception {
    public LootTooHeavyException(String message) {
    public LootTooHeavyException() { super(); }

Note that the default constructor for each exception is necessary, since constructors taking a String value are provided for each class. Although these default constructors do nothing other than call their parent constructor, they are needed so that it is possible to create each of these constructors without a customized message.

With the exceptions defined, we can assume that the Bank class and the Vault class throw the appropriate exceptions when something goes wrong. Thus, we can make a Henchman class who can try to do the heist and react appropriately if there’s a problem.

public class Henchman {
    public void burgle(Bank bank) { (1)
        try {
            bank.disableAlarm(); (2)
            Vault vault = bank.findVault();

            Loot loot = vault.getLoot();
            System.out.println("We got " + loot + "!"); (3)
1 To burgle a bank, one must create a Henchman object then pass a Bank object into its burgle() method.
2 The method will try to disable the alarm, break into the bank, find the vault, open the vault, get the loot out of the vault, and carry it away.
3 If all those steps happen successfully, the method will print out a String version of the loot.

All of this code is inside of a try block. If an exception is thrown at any point, the following catch blocks will deal with it.

        catch(BurglarAlarmException e) { (1)
            System.out.println("I set off the burglar because " + e.getMessage());
            System.out.println("I had to run away.");
        catch(WatchmanException e) {     (2)
            System.out.println("A watchman caught me because " + e.getMessage());
            System.out.println("Please bail me out of jail.");
        catch(LockPickFailException e) { (3)
            System.out.println("I couldn't pick the vault lock.");
            System.out.println("No loot for us.");
        catch(LootTooHeavyException e) { (4)
            System.out.println("The loot was too heavy to carry.");
            System.out.println("No loot for us.");
        catch(NullPointerException e) {  (5)
            System.out.println("The vault was hidden or empty.");
            System.out.println("No loot for us.");
1 If a BurglarAlarmException happens, the henchman is forced to run away.
2 If a WatchmanException happens, the henchman is caught and must be bailed out of jail.
3 If a LockPickFailException the henchman is unable to carry the loot off.
4 Something similar happens for a LootTooHeavyException.
5 The last catch block is a little unusual. In this case, a NullPointerException has occurred. Within the try block, two obvious sources of this exception are the vault and the loot variables. If either of them were null, in the case of a vault that could not be found or a vault that was empty, trying to call a method on that null reference would throw a NullPointerException. Although this code shows the power of exception handling, it’s a little unwieldy since we don’t know which variable was null. Also, it’ll hide any NullPointerException that might happen for other reasons. A better solution would be to check for each of these null cases or create more specific exceptions thrown by findVault() and getLoot() if either returns null.

12.5. Concurrency: Exceptions

Any thread in Java can throw an exception. That thread might be the main thread or it might be an extra one that you spawned yourself. (Or even one spawned behind the scenes through a library call.)

What happens when a thread throws an exception? As we’ve been discussing in this chapter, the exception will either be caught or propagate back to its caller. If the exception is caught, the catch block determines what happens. If the exception propagates back and back and back and is never caught, then what? If you’ve coded some of the examples in this chapter, you might think the entire program crashes, but only the thread throwing the exception dies.

Example 12.4 Multiple threads with exceptions

In a program with a single thread, an exception thrown by the main() method will crash the program, completely halting execution. In a multi-threaded program, execution will continue on all threads that have not thrown exceptions. If even a single thread is executing, the program will run to completion before the JVM shuts down.

Program 12.1 Spawns 10 threads. 9 out of 10 spawned threads as well as the main thread throw an exception and die. The remaining thread outputs the sum of the sines of 1 through 1,000,000.
public class CrazyThread extends Thread {
    private int value;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            new CrazyThread(i).start();
        throw new RuntimeException();
    public CrazyThread(int value) {
        this.value = value;
    public void run() {
        if(value == 7) {
            double sum = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
                sum += Math.sin(i);
            System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);
            throw new RuntimeException();   

In the program given above, all of the threads except one will die because of the RuntimeException that they throw. Note that we use the unchecked RuntimeException so that Java does not complain about the lack of catch blocks. The thread with a value of 7 will complete its calculation and print it to the screen even though the main thread has died. For more information on how to spawn threads, refer to Chapter 14.

This behavior can cause a program that never seems to finish. You might write a program that spawns a number of threads and does some work. Even if the main() method has completed and all the important data has been output, the program won’t terminate if any threads are still alive. This problem can also be caused by creating a GUI (such as a JFrame), which spawns one or more threads indirectly, if the GUI isn’t properly disposed.

12.5.1. InterruptedException

In conjunction with concurrency, one exception deserves special attention: InterruptedException. This exception can happen when a thread calls wait(), join(), or sleep(). It’s a checked exception, requiring either a catch block or a throws specification.

This exception is used in cases where the executing thread must wait for some event to occur or some time to pass. In extreme circumstances, another thread can interrupt the waiting thread, forcing it to continue executing before it’s done waiting. If that happens, the code in the catch block determines how the thread should recover from being awoken prematurely.

Programmers who are new to concurrency in Java are often confused or annoyed by InterruptedException, particularly since it never seems to be thrown. Although it’s thrown rarely, situations such as a system shutting down may be best dealt with by calling interrupt() on a waiting thread, causing such an exception. Although we’ll generally leave the InterruptedException catch block empty in this book, threads written for production code should always handle interruptions gracefully.

12.6. Exercises

Conceptual Problems

  1. What are the advantages of using exceptions instead of returning error codes?

  2. The keywords final and finally, as well as the Object method finalize(), are sometimes confused. What’s the purpose of each one?

  3. What’s the difference between the throw keyword and the throws keyword?

  4. Explain the catch or specify requirement of Java.

  5. What must be done differently when using methods that throw checked exceptions as compared to unchecked exceptions? How do the classes Exception, RuntimeException, and Error play a role?

  6. For every program you write, you could choose to put the entire body of your main() method in a large try block with a catch block at the end that catches Exception. In this way, no exception would cause your program to crash. Why is this approach a bad programming decision?

  7. Why did the designers of Java choose to make NullPointerException and ArithmeticException unchecked exceptions even though a program that unintentionally dereferences a null pointer or divides by zero will often crash?

  8. Consider the following two classes.

    public class Trouble {
        public makeTrouble() {
            throw new ArithmeticException();
    public class Hazard {
        public makeHazard() {
            throw new InterruptedException();

    Class Trouble will compile, but class Hazard will not. Explain why and what could be done to make Hazard compile.

  9. What value will the following method always return and why?

    public static int magic(String value) {
        try {
            int x = Integer.parseInt(value);
            return x;
        catch(Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Some exception occurred.");
            return 0;
        finally {
            return -1;
  10. Why will the following segment of code fail to compile?

    catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception occurred!");
    catch(InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println("Woke up early!");
  11. Consider the following fragment of Java.

    try {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    finally {
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();

    This code is legal Java. It’s possible to have a finally block after a try block without any catch blocks between them. However, only a single exception can be active at once. Which exception will propagate up from this code and why?

Programming Practice

  1. The NumberFormatException exception is thrown whenever the Integer.parseInt() method receives a poorly formatted String representation of an integer. Re-implement QuickCalculator to catch any NumberFormatException and give an appropriate message to the user.

  2. Refer to Exercise 11.14 and add to the basic mechanics of the simulation by designing two custom exceptions, CollisionException and LightSpeedException. These exceptions should be thrown, respectively, if two bodies collide or if the total magnitude of a body’s velocity exceeds the speed of light.

  3. Users often log onto systems by entering their user name and a password. Unfortunately, human beings are notoriously bad at picking passwords. In computer security, a tool called a proactive password checker allows a user to pick a password but rejects the choice if it doesn’t meet certain criteria.

    Common criteria for a password are that it must be at least a certain length, must contain must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, must contain numerical digits, must contain symbols, cannot be the same as a list of words from a dictionary, and others.

    Write a short program with a check() method that takes a single String parameter giving a possible password. This method should throw an exception if the password does not meet the matching criteria listed below.

    Password criteria Exception

    At least 8 characters in length


    Contains both upper- and lowercase letters


    Contains at least one numerical digit


    Contains at least one symbol


    Your main() method should prompt the user to select a password and then pass it to the check() method. If the method throws an exception, you should catch it and print an appropriate error message. Otherwise, you should report to the user that the password is acceptable. Note that you’ll need to define each of the four exceptions as well.


  1. Throwing and catching exceptions is a useful tool for making robust programs in Java. However, the JVM machinery needed to implement such a powerful tool is complex. Create an array containing 100,000 random int values. First, sum all these variables up using a for loop and time how long it takes. Then, do the same thing, but, inside of the for loop, put a try block containing a simple division by zero instruction such as x = 5 / 0;. After the try block, put a catch block catching an ArithmeticException. Time this version of the code. Again, you may wish to use System.nanoTime() to measure the time accurately. Was there a large difference in the time taken? Do your findings have any implications for code that routinely throws thousands of exceptions?