7. Simple Graphical User Interfaces

To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the truth within the soul.

— Mahatma Gandhi

7.1. Problem: Codon extractor

Recall from Chapter 5 that we can record DNA as a sequence of nucleotide bases A, C, G, and T. Using this idea, we can represent any sequence of DNA using a String made up of those four letters such as "ATGGAAGTATTTAAATAG".

This particular sequence contains 18 bases and six codons. A codon is a three-base subsequence in DNA. Biologists are interested in dividing DNA into codons because a single codon usually maps to the production of a specific amino acid. Amino acids, in turn, are the building blocks of proteins. The DNA sequence above contains the six codons ATG, GAA, GTA, TTT, AAA, and TAG.

We want to write a program that extracts codons from DNA sequences entered by the user. The program must detect and inform the user of invalid DNA sequences (those containing letters other than the four bases). If the user enters a DNA sequence whose length is not a multiple of three, the final codon should be written with one or two asterisks (*), representing the missing bases.

With your knowledge of String manipulation and loops, this problem should be easy. However, we want to solve it with a graphical user interface, not with the command line interaction we’ve emphasized in previous chapters. That is, the input step should be done with a window that looks similar to the following.


And the corresponding output should look very much like this.


7.2. Concepts: User interaction

Many computer programs communicate with a human user. There are at least two ways in which this communication can happen. One way is to use command line input and output. In this case, a program prompts the user for an input and the user responds through the keyboard, usually completing the response by pressing the <return> or <enter> key. Another way to communicate is to use a graphical user interface or GUI. (Some people pronounce “GUI” to sound like “gooey,” but others say “G-U-I.”) In this case, the program displays a window consisting of one or more widgets, such as a button labeled “OK” or a text box in which the user can type some text. Widgets (also known as controls) can include buttons, labels, text areas, check boxes, menus, and many other pre-defined objects for user interaction. While the program waits for the user or does something in the background, the user has the option of using a combination of the keyboard and the mouse to respond to the program. While command line interfaces were dominant until the mid-70s, GUIs have become the prime mode of communication between a program and a human user. This chapter focuses on the design of simple GUIs using a few built-in Java classes. Chapter 16 introduces more advanced tools for constructing complex GUIs.

Example 7.1 User interaction

Figure 7.1(a) shows a Java application interacting with a user through a command line interface. The application asks the user for a temperature value in degrees Fahrenheit, converts it to the equivalent Celsius, and displays it. Figure 7.1(b) shows a similar application interacting with the user through a GUI. In this case, the application creates a window with six widgets (two labels, two text boxes, and two buttons). The user enters a temperature value in the text box below either the Celsius label or the Fahrenheit label and presses the appropriate Convert button. Then, the application displays the equivalent temperature in the other text box.

Figure 7.1 User interaction with a Java application (a) through a command line interface and (b) through a graphical user interface.

We describe the GUIs we introduce in this chapter as simple because several aspects of GUI creation are hidden by the methods we use. For example, these GUIs do not require the programmer to handle the details of events such as a user pressing an “OK” button or typing text into a text box and pressing the <enter> key. These events will be handled automatically by existing libraries. Chapter 16 discusses the creation of more complex GUIs that require the programmer to program event handling explicitly.

7.3. Syntax: Dialogs and the JOptionPane class

JOptionPane is a utility class for creating GUIs consisting of a single dialog. It offers a variety of ways to create useful dialogs quickly and easily and is part of the larger Java Swing GUI library. In this chapter, we’ll show you how to use the static methods and constants in JOptionPane to construct useful dialogs. Specifically, you’ll learn how to construct the following four types of dialogs.


An information, or message, dialog displays a message to the user. Static method showMessageDialog() creates such a dialog. See Figure 7.2 for an example of a message dialog.


A confirm dialog asks a user to confirm a statement. Static method
showConfirmDialog() creates such a dialog. This dialog may return user input as YES_OPTION, NO_OPTION, OK_OPTION, or CANCEL_OPTION. See Figure 7.4 for an example of a Yes-No dialog.


An option dialog asks the user to select one from an arbitrary set of options. Static method showOptionDialog() creates such a dialog. See Figure 7.5 for an example.


An input dialog is useful for obtaining data provided by the user. Static method showInputDialog() creates such a dialog. The user can input a String that might represent a number, a name, or any arbitrary text. See [inputDialogFigure] for an example.

The JOptionPane class can be used to create both modal and non-modal dialogs. A modal dialog is one that forces the user to interact with the dialog before the program can continue. Thus, the dialog is dismissed and the program execution resumes only after the user has responded. Modal dialogs are useful in situations where user input is required for the program to continue.

A non-modal dialog is one that’s displayed on the screen and doesn’t require the user to interact with it for the underlying program to proceed. It’s easy to create a modal dialog using the static methods in the JOptionPane class mentioned earlier. Creation of non-modal dialogs requires a bit more effort and is not covered in this chapter. In the remainder of this chapter we show how to use JOptionPane to create various types of modal dialogs.

7.3.1. Generating an information dialog

Programs often need to generate a message for the user and request a response. The message might be a short piece of information, and the only response might be “OK.” Alternatively, the message might be more complex and require a more thoughtful response. In this section, we show how the Java utility class JOptionPane can generate a simple dialog whose sole purpose is to inform the user that a task has been completed.

Example 7.2 Simple dialog

Program 7.1 creates a dialog to inform the user that the task it was assigned to perform is now complete. Figure 7.2 shows the dialog generated by this program.

Program 7.1 Generates a simple dialog.
import javax.swing.*; (1)

public class SimpleDialog {    
    public static void main(String [] args) {     
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, (2)
            "Task completed. Click OK to exit.",         
            "Simple Dialog", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        System.out.println("Done."); (3)
1 We import classes used in this program. The swing package contains a number of classes needed to create a GUI, and JOptionPane is one such class.
2 These lines use a static method to create a modal dialog. JOptionPane is a utility class, and showMessageDialog() is a static method in this class. This method, along with the other three JOptionPane methods we discuss in this chapter, is a factory method, meaning that it creates a new object (in this case some kind of dialog object) on the fly with specific attributes. In this example, the program informs the user that a task has been completed. The method has the following four parameters.

The parent component in which the dialog is displayed. We use null in this example, which causes a default frame to be used, centering the dialog in the screen.


The message to be displayed. In this example, we have
"Task completed. Click OK to exit."


The title of the dialog. In this example, it is "A Simple Dialog".

Message Type

The type of the message to be displayed. In this example, we use the constant INFORMATION_MESSAGE.


The icon to be displayed in the dialog. If you have an object of type Icon, you can use it to customize your dialog. The showMessageDialog() is an overloaded method that can take several different sets of parameters. In this example, we used a version of the method that does not specify an icon.

3 We display a message on the terminal which isn’t needed in this program but illustrates an interesting point. When you run SimpleDialog, you’ll notice that the "Done." message displays on the terminal only after you’ve clicked the “OK” button. This modal behavior blocks execution of the thread that generated it until the button is pressed.

In Figure 7.2 the dialog titled “Simple Dialog” includes an icon, a message, and a button labeled “OK.” This dialog is actually a frame, which is what windows are called in Java. We’ll discuss frames in greater detail in Section 16.3.

Figure 7.2 A simple dialog generated using JOptionPane.

The appearance of the dialog may be different on your computer. Even though Java is platform independent, GUIs are customized based on the OS you’re running. Each OS has a default look and feel (L & F) manager that specifies how widgets look and behave in your program. You can change the L & F manager, but not all managers are available on all operating systems.

In the previous example, we displayed a message of type INFORMATION_MESSAGE. There are additional message types that could be used.





When used as parameters in showMessageDialog(), the constants above cause different default icons to be displayed in the dialog box. Figure 7.3 shows dialogs generated by showMessageDialog() when using JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, (left) and JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE (right). Note the difference in the icons displayed toward the top left of the two dialogs.

Figure 7.3 The left dialog uses JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, and the right uses JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE. The only difference is the icon displayed.

7.3.2. Generating a Yes-No confirm dialog

There are situations when a program needs to obtain a binary answer from the user, a “yes” or a “no.” The next example shows how to generate such a dialog and how to get the user’s response.

Example 7.3 Yes-No dialog

Consider a program that checks whether a student understands the difference between odd and even integers. The program generates a random integer x, presents it to the user, and asks the question, “Is x an odd integer?” The answer given by the user is checked for correctness, and the user is informed accordingly. Program 7.2 shows how to use the JOptionPane class to generate a dialog for such an interaction.

Program 7.2 Tests knowledge of odd and even integers with a Yes-No dialog.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

public class OddEvenTest {
    public static void main(String [] args) { 
        String title = "Odd Even Test";
        Random random = new Random(); (1)
        int x = random.nextInt(10); 
        String question = "Is " + x + " an odd integer?";
        int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, (2)
            question, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
        String message;     
        // Response is YES_OPTION for yes, NO_OPTION for no
        if((response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION && x % 2 != 0) ||
            (response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION && x % 2 == 0))
            message = "You're right!";
            message = "Sorry, that's incorrect.";
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title, (3)
1 We declare a random number generator named random and then use it to generate a random number from 0 to 9.
2 We present the number to the user. Note the use of JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION as the last parameter in the showConfirmDialog(). The generated dialog is shown in Figure 7.4(a). The call to showConfirmDialog() returns the JOptionPane.YES_OPTION or the JOptionPane.NO_OPTION value depending on whether the user clicked the “Yes” or “No” button.
3 A second dialog is shown with a message dependent on whether the user gives the correct answer. The two different versions of this dialog are shown in Figure 7.4(b) and (c).
yes noDialogFigure
Figure 7.4 (a) A Yes-No dialog generated using JOptionPane. (b) Dialog in response to correct answer. (c) Dialog in response to incorrect answer.

Because we used YES_NO_OPTION, the dialog in Example 7.3 automatically generates two buttons labeled “Yes” and “No.” Dialogs can also use the YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION to generate a dialog with “Yes,” “No,” and “Cancel” options. The return value from showConfirmDialog() is CANCEL_OPTION if the user presses the “Cancel” button.

7.3.3. Generating a dialog with a list of options

The JOptionPane class can also be used to generate an arbitrary set of options as shown in the next example.

Example 7.4 Capital dialog

Consider a program that asks the user to select the correct capital of a country from a list of capitals. It shows three options and asks the user to select one from among the three. It then checks the user response for correctness and displays a suitable message.

Program 7.3 Generates a dialog with programmer-defined options.
import javax.swing.*;

public class CapitalQuiz {    
    public static void main(String[] args) {     
        String title = "Capital Quiz";
        String country = "Azerbaijan";
        String[] capitals = {"Bujumbura","Baku", "Moroni"};
        int correct = 1; //Baku is the correct answer        
        String question = "Select the capital of " + country + ".";
        int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, (1)
            question, title, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,
            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, capitals, null);
        //Response is 0, 1, or 2 for the three options
        String message;     
        if(response == correct) 
            message = "You're right!";
            message = "Sorry, the capital of " + country +
				" is " + capitals[correct] + ".";
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title, (2)
1 We call the showOptionDialog() method to create a dialog with multiple options. In our case, the options are three names of capitals, and only one of them is correct. Figure 7.5 shows the dialog created.
The showOptionDialog() method creates an options dialog, which is the most complicated (but also the most flexible) of all the dialogs. The array of String values provided as the second to last parameter to showOptionDialog() gives the labels for the buttons.
There are three null values passed into this method. The first one functions like the null used in Program 7.2, specifying that the default frame should be used. The second specifies that the default icon should be used. In the next section, we’ll show how to specify a custom icon. The last parameter indicates the default button, which will have focus when the dialog is created. If the user hits <enter> instead of clicking, the button with focus is the button that will be pressed.
2 As in Program 7.2, a second dialog is shown with a message dependent on whether the user gives the correct answer.
Figure 7.5 A dialog with programmer-defined options generated by Program 7.3.

7.3.4. Generating a dialog with a custom icon

A custom icon can be included in any dialog. Each of the methods in JOptionPane introduced earlier can take an icon as a parameter. The next example illustrates how to do so.

Example 7.5 Custom icon

Program 7.4 shows how to use showMessageDialog() to generate a message dialog with a custom icon.

Program 7.4 Generates a dialog with a custom icon.
import javax.swing.*;

public class CustomIconDialog{
    public static void main(String [] args){     
        String file = "bat.png";
        String title = "Custom Icon";
        String message = "Some bats eat 3,000 mosquitoes a night.";
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title,
            JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, new ImageIcon(file)); (1)
1 The last parameter creates a new ImageIcon object from the file String ("bat.png" in this case). The resulting dialog appears in Figure 7.6.

Dialogs illustrated in earlier examples can also use an icon parameter to include a custom icon.

Figure 7.6 Dialog with a custom icon generated by Program 7.4.

Note that the icon shown above will not appear when you run this code unless you have a copy of bat.png in the appropriate directory.

7.3.5. Generating an input dialog

An input dialog can read text data from the user. The showInputDialog() method in the JOptionPane class allows us to create such a dialog. We introduced the showInputDialog() method in Section 2.3, but we give two more examples here to emphasize its similarity to the other JOptionPane factory methods and to show off some of its additional features.

Example 7.6 Input dialog

We want to write a program that asks a question about basic chemistry. Program 7.5 shows how to display a question, obtain an answer from the user, check for the correctness of the answer, and report back to the user.

Program 7.5 Generates a dialog to input data as text.
import javax.swing.*;

public class ChemistryQuizOne {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        String title = "Atoms in Water";
        String query = "How many atoms are in a molecule of water?";        
        String response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, (1)
            query, title, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        int answer = Integer.parseInt(response); (2)
        String message;         
        if(answer == 3) (3)
            message = "You're right!";
            message = "Sorry, that's incorrect.";
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title, (4)
1 We use the showInputDialog() method to generate the dialog shown in Figure 7.7. This method returns a String named response containing the text entered by the user in the dialog box.
2 We convert this String to an int and save it into variable answer.
3 We check this value against the correct answer.
4 The showMessageDialog() method informs the user whether or not the answer is correct.

It’s important to note that the user could type any sequence of characters in the dialog box. Try running Program 7.5 and see what happens when you type “two,” instead of the number “2,” into the dialog box and press the “OK” button. The program will generate an exception indicating that the input String cannot be converted to an integer.

Figure 7.7 Dialog to read text input generated by Program 7.5.
Example 7.7 Input dialog with a list

In Example 7.6 the user is required to enter text. To reduce input errors, we can restrict the user to picking from a predefined list. We can create this list by generating an array and supplying it as a parameter to the showInputDialog() method.

Program 7.6 displays a list of chemical elements and asks the user to select the heaviest.

Program 7.6 Generates a dialog to input a choice from a list.
import javax.swing.*;

public class ChemistryQuizTwo {
    public static void main(String [] args) {     
        String title = "Heaviest Element";
        String query = "Which is the heaviest element?";
        String[] elements = {"Iron", "Uranium", "Copernicium", "Nitrogen"};
        String response = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, (1)
            query, title, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, elements, null);
        String message;
        if(response.equals("Copernicium")) (2)
            message = "You're right!";
            message = "Sorry, correct answer: Copernicium.";               
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title, (3)
1 We pass an array of four String values to the showInputDialog() method. Note that the last parameter to this method is null indicating that no specific item on the list should be selected by default. (In this case, the first item in the list is initially selected.) The generated dialog is shown in Figure 7.8. The four elements are contained in a drop-down list.
Unlike Example 7.6, the return value from showInputDialog() is now of type Object, not of type String. The type of the list required by the method is Object array. You’re allowed to pass a String array to a method that wants an Object array due to inheritance, which is further discussed in Chapter 11 and Chapter 18. The return value is the specific object from the array that was passed in. In our case, it has to be a String, but the compiler isn’t smart enough to figure that out. For this reason, we cast the object to a String before using the equals() method.
2 We check this String for correctness.
3 As before, the showMessageDialog() method informs the user whether or not the answer is correct.
Figure 7.8 Dialog to read input from a list generated by Program 7.6.

Note that this program will crash if the user clicks the “Cancel” button, since null will be returned and stored into response.

Example 7.8 Input dialog with a long list
Figure 7.9 A dialog requesting user to select one item from a list of 20 data items. Note the use of a scroll down list to display the items.

When the number of elements in the list supplied to the showInputDialog() is 20 or more, a JList object is automatically used to display the items as shown in Figure 7.9.

Other than a longer list, the code in this example is virtually identical to the code in Program 7.6.

7.4. Solution: Codon extractor

Here we give the solution to the codon extractor problem posed at the beginning of the chapter. As we have done throughout this chapter, we start with the import needed for GUIs built on the Swing framework. Next we begin the CodonExtractor class and its main() method. For readability, the solution to this problem is divided into methods that each do a specific task. We hope that the way a method works is intuitively clear to you. If not, the next chapter explains them in detail.

import javax.swing.*;

public class CodonExtractor {
    public static void main(String [] args) {       
        int continueProgram;
        do { (1)
            // Read DNA sequence
            String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a DNA sequence"); (2)
            input = input.toUpperCase(); (3)
            String message = "Do you want to continue?";
            if(isValid(input)) (4)
                displayCodons(input); (5)
                message = "Invalid DNA Sequence.\n" + message;
            continueProgram = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog((6)
                null, message, "Alert", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);            
        } while(continueProgram == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for using the Codon Extractor!");  
1 The main() method contains a do-while loop that allows the user to enter sequences repeatedly.
2 The showInputDialog() method makes an input dialog and returns the String the user enters.
3 The toUpperCase() method converts the String to uppercase, allowing us to read input in either case.
4 We then call the isValid() method to make sure that the user entered a valid DNA sequence.
5 If it is valid, we use displayCodons() to display the codons in the sequence.
6 Either way, we use a showConfirmDialog() method to creating a confirm dialog, asking the user if he or she wants to continue entering sequences. The loop will continue as long as the return value is JOptionPane.YES_OPTION.
    public static boolean isValid(String dna) {
        String validBases = "ACGT";                
        for(int i = 0; i < dna.length(); i++) {
            char base = dna.charAt(i);
            if(validBases.indexOf(base) == -1)          
                return false; //base not in "ACGT"
        return true;

The isValid() method checks to see if the DNA contains only the letters representing the four bases. To do this, we use the Java String library cleverly: We loop through the characters in our input, checking to see where they can be found in "ACGT". If the index returned is -1, the character was not found, and the DNA is invalid.

In the displayCodons() method, we display the individual codons to the user.

    public static void displayCodons(String dna) {                
        String message = "";
        // Get as many complete codons as possible
        for(int i = 0; i < dna.length() - 2; i += 3) (1)
            message += "\n" + dna.substring(i, i + 3);
        // 1-2 bases might be left over
        int remaining = dna.length() % 3;        
        if(remaining == 1)
            message += "\n"+ dna.substring(dna.length() - 1, dna.length()) + "**";
        else if(remaining == 2)
            message += "\n"+ dna.substring(dna.length() - 2, dna.length()) + "*";
        message = "DNA length: " + dna.length() + "\n\nCodons: " + message;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, (2)
            "Codons in DNA", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
1 We build a large String with newlines separating each codon. To do so, we loop through the input, jumping ahead three characters each time. If the input length is not a multiple of three, we pad with asterisks.
2 We use the showMessageDialog() method to display an information dialog with the list of codons.

7.5. Concurrency: Simple GUIs

Many GUI frameworks (including Swing) are built on a multi-threaded model. Swing uses threads to redraw widgets and listen for user input while the main thread can continue processing other data.

In this chapter, the impact of these threads is minimal because we used only modal dialogs. Every time we called a JOptionPane method, the execution of the program’s main thread had to wait until the method returned. As it turns out, several threads are created when showInputDialog() or any of the others dialog methods are called, but they do not interact with the main thread since it’s been blocked.

The situation is more complicated with a non-modal dialog, which is one of the reasons we did not go into them. In a non-modal dialog, the threads that redraw the dialog and handle its events (like a user clicking on a button) are running at the same time as the thread that created the dialog. Since many threads are running, it’s possible for them to write to the same data at the same time. Doing so can lead to inconsistencies such as the ones we’ll describe in Chapter 15.

The GUIs we’ll create in Chapter 16, however, will be more than dialogs. They will be fully functional windows, known as frames in Java. Like a non-modal dialog, the creation of a frame doesn’t block the thread that created it.

Many applications launch a frame and then end their main thread. If no other threads are created, such a program is comparatively easy to think about. However, complex applications may create multiple frames or launch threads to work on tasks in the background. Another common problem is caused by performing complicated tasks in the event handler for a GUI. If a task takes too long, the GUI can freeze or become unresponsive, as you’ve probably experienced. The fact that this problem happens so frequently even in the latest operating systems should hint at the difficulty of managing GUI threads.

When we describe how to create fully featured GUIs in Chapter 16, we’ll also give some techniques to help with avoiding unresponsive GUIs in a multi-threaded environment.

7.6. Summary

In this chapter we’ve introduced a way to create simple GUIs. These GUIs are created using various methods available in the JOptionPane class. While the interfaces created this way are limited in scope, they’re often adequate for input and output in short Java programs. Construction of more complex GUIs is the subject of Chapter 16.

7.7. Exercises

Conceptual Problems

  1. In which situations would it be better to use a command-line interface instead of a GUI? When is it better to use a GUI over a command-line interface?

  2. Explain the difference between a modal and a non-modal dialog. Give an example of when you would prefer a modal over a non-modal dialog and another example of when you would prefer a non-modal to a modal dialog.

  3. Give one example each when you would use the five different message type constants in showMessageDialog() method.

  4. In Program 7.2, we could have coded the line checking to see if the user had correctly determined whether the number was odd or even as follows.

    if((response == 0 && x % 2 != 0) ||
       (response == 1 && x % 2 == 0))

    Yet another option is below.

    if(response != x % 2)

    Which of these three implementations is best? Why?

Programming Practice

  1. Modify the program in Example 7.3 such that it tests the user many times whether a randomly generated integer is odd or even. The program should keep a score indicating the number of correct answers. At the end of the test, display the score using a suitable dialog.

  2. Modify the program in Example 7.3 such that it displays a dialog that asks the user “Do you wish to continue?” and offers options “Yes” and “No.” The program should exit the loop when the “No” option is selected and display the score using a suitable dialog.

  3. Rewrite Program 7.2 so that the dialog generated offers the “Yes,” “No,” and “Cancel” options to the user. The program should exit with a message dialog saying “Thank You” when the user selects the “Cancel” option.

  4. Modify Program 7.3 to create and administer a test wherein the user is asked capitals of 10 countries in a sequence. The program must keep a count of the number of correct answers. Inform the user of the score at the end of the test using a suitable dialog.

  5. Modify Program 7.3 so that the button labeled “Baku” has focus when the program begins.

  6. Section 8.5 gives a method called shuffle() that can randomize an array representing a deck of cards. Adapt this code and modify Program 7.3 so that the order of the capitals is randomized. Note that you will need to record which index contains the correct answer.

  7. Re-implement the solution to the college cost calculator problem given in Section 3.5 so that it uses GUIs constructed with JOptionPane for input and output.

  8. Re-implement the solution to the Monty Hall problem given in Section 4.4 so that it uses GUIs constructed with JOptionPane for input and output.

  9. Re-implement the solution to the DNA searching problem given in Section 5.4 so that it uses GUIs constructed with JOptionPane for input and output.

  10. Write a program that creates an input dialog that prompts and reads a file name of an image from the user. Then, create an information dialog that displays the file as a custom icon. In this way, you can construct a simple image viewer.

  11. Use a try-catch block and modify Program 7.5 so that it handles an exception generated when the user enters text that cannot be converted to an integer. In the event such an exception is raised, pop up a message dialog box informing the user to try again and type an integer value. When the user responds by clicking the “OK” button on this message box, the input dialog box should appear once again and offer the user another chance at the answer. Write two versions of the modified program. In one version, your program should give only one chance for input after an incorrect string has been typed. In another version, your program should remain in a loop until the user enters a valid integer. There is, of course, no guarantee that an answer is correct just because it’s a valid integer.

    Note: You should attempt this exercise only if you’re familiar with exceptions in Java. Exceptions are covered in Chapter 12.