10. Interfaces

Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.

— Edward Gibbon

10.1. Problem: Sort it out

Learning to use classes as we did in Chapter 9 provides us with useful tools. First, we can group related data together. Then, we can encapsulate that data so that it can only be changed in carefully controlled ways. But these ideas are only a fraction of the true power of object orientation available when we exploit relationships between different classes. Eventually, in Chapter 11, we’ll talk about hierarchical relationships, where one class can be the parent of many other child classes.

However, there’s a simpler relationship that classes can share, the ability to do some specific action or answer some specific question. If we know that several different classes can all do the same things, we want to be able to treat them in a unified way. For example, imagine that you’re writing code to do laboratory analysis of the free radical content of a number of creatures and items. For this analysis it’s necessary to sort the test subjects by weight and by age.

The subjects you’re going to sort will be objects of type Dog, Cat, Person, and Cheese. All of these subjects will have some calendar age. Naturally, the age we’re interested for a Dog is 7 times its calendar age. At the same time, because a cat has nine lives, we’ll use 1/9 of its calendar age. The age we use for Person and Cheese objects is simply their calendar age.

As we discussed in Example 6.2, sorting is one of the most fundamental tools for computer scientists. In that example, we introduced selection sort. Here we’re going to use another sort called bubble sort. We introduce bubble sort to expose you to another way to sort data. Although both are easy to understand, neither bubble sort nor selection sort are the fastest ways known to sort lists.

Bubble sort works by scanning through a list of items, a pair at a time, and swapping the elements of the pair if they’re out of order. One scan through the list is called a pass. The algorithm keeps making passes until no consecutive pair of elements is out of order. Here’s an implementation of bubble sort that sorts an array of int values in ascending order.

boolean swapped = true;
int temp;
while(swapped) {
    swapped = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++)
        if(array[i] > array[i + 1]) {
            temp = array[i];
            array[i] = array[i + 1];
            array[i + 1] = temp;
            swapped = true;
Pitfall: Array out of bounds

Note that index variable i stops before array.length - 1 since we don’t want to get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when looking at array[i + 1]. Another way to think about it is that we only want to loop array.length - 1 times, since that’s how many neighboring pairs of values there are in array.

The only change needed to make a bubble sort work with lists of arbitrary objects (instead of just int values) is the if statement. Likewise, changing the greater than (>) to a less than (<) will change the sort from ascending to descending.

10.2. Concepts: Making a promise

Knowing how to sort a list of items is half the problem we want to solve. The other half is designing the classes so that sorting by either age or weight is easy. And easy sorting isn’t enough: We want to follow good object-oriented design so that sorting future classes will be easy as well.

For these kinds of situations, Java has a feature called interfaces. An interface is a set of methods that an object must have in order to implement that interface. If an object implements an interface, it’s making a promise to have a version of each of the methods listed in the interface. It can choose to do anything it wants inside the body of each method, but it must have them to compile. Interfaces are also described as contracts, since a contract is a promise to do certain things. One reason that interfaces are so useful is because Java allows objects to implement any number of them.

The purpose of an interface is to guarantee that an object has the capability to do something. In the case of this sorting problem, we’ll need to sort by age and weight. Consequently, the ability to report age and weight are the two important capabilities that the objects must have.

10.3. Syntax: Interfaces

Declaring an interface is similar to declaring a class except that interfaces can only hold abstract methods, default methods, static methods, and constants. Note that interfaces can never contain fields other than constants. Because the purpose of an interface is to ensure that an object has certain publicly available capabilities, all methods and constants listed in an interface are assumed to be public. It’s legal but clutters code to mark interface members with public, and it’s illegal to mark them with private or protected.

An abstract method is one that doesn’t have a body. Its return type, name, and parameters are given, but this information is concluded with a semicolon (;) instead of a method body.

Here’s an interface for a guitar player that defines two abstract methods.

public interface Guitarist {
    void strumChord(Chord chord);
    void playMelody(Melody notes);

Any object that implements this interface must have both of these methods, declared with the access modifier public, the same return types, and the same parameter types. We could create a RockGuitarist class that implements Guitarist as follows.

public class RockGuitarist implements Guitarist {
    public void strumChord(Chord chord) {
        System.out.print("Totally wails on that " + chord.getName() + " chord!");
    public void playMelody(Melody notes) {
        System.out.print("Burns through the notes " + notes.toString() +
			" like Jimmy Page!");

Or we can create a ClassicalGuitarist class. A classical guitarist is going to approach playing a chord or a melody differently from a rock guitarist. Java only requires that all the methods in the interface are implemented.

public class ClassicalGuitarist implements Guitarist {
    public void strumChord(Chord chord) {
        System.out.print("Delicately voices a " + chord.getName() + " chord.");      
    public void playMelody(Melody notes) {
        System.out.print("Plucks the melodic line " + notes.toString() +
			" with the skill of John Williams.");     

Interfaces make our code more flexible because we can use a reference with an interface type to refer to any objects that implement the interface. In the following snippet of code, we do this by creating 100 Guitarist references, each of which randomly points to either a RockGuitarist or a ClassicalGuitarist.

Guitarist[] guitarists = new Guitarist[100];
Random random = new Random();
for(int i = 0; i < guitarists.length; i++)
        guitarists[i] = new RockGuitarist();
        guitarists[i] = new ClassicalGuitarist();

One benefit of using interfaces is that more mistakes can be caught at compile time instead of run time. If you implement an interface with a class you’re writing but forget (or misspell) a required method, the compiler will fail to compile that class. If you remember all of the required methods but forget to specify that your class implements a particular interface, the compiler will fail when you try to use that class in a place where that interface is required.

If you have code that takes some arbitrary object as a parameter, you can determine if that object implements a particular interface by using the instanceof keyword. For example, the following method takes a Chord object and an object of type Object. The Object type is the most basic reference type there is. All reference types in Java can be treated as an Object type. Thus, a reference of type Object could point at any object of any type. In this case, if the Object turns out to implement the Guitarist interface, we can cast it to a Guitarist and use it to strum a chord.

void checkBeforeStrum(Object unknown, Chord chord) {
    if(unknown instanceof Guitarist) {
        Guitarist player = (Guitarist)unknown;
        System.out.println("That's not a guitarist!");
Pitfall: Interfaces cannot be instantiated

It’s tempting to try to create an object of an interface type. If you think about doing so carefully, it should be clear why this is impossible. An interface is only a list of promises, and it’s not a class, a template for an object. It has neither data nor methods to manipulate data. Thus, the following code will fail to compile.

Guitarist guitarist = new Guitarist();

As we showed before, we are permitted to make a reference to an object that implements Guitarist or make an array that holds such references. The interface itself, however, can never be instantiated.

10.3.1. Default methods

Before Java 8, only abstract methods (methods without bodies) could be added to interfaces. And that made sense: Interfaces were promises to do things, while classes actually did those things. Unfortunately, a problem became apparent over time. Some Java library designers would create a useful interface, and many people would write classes that implement that interface. Eventually, someone would want to add a new method to the original interface, but doing so would break lots of code. All the existing classes that implemented the interface would fail to compile until they added the new method.

To allow new methods to be added to old interfaces without breaking existing classes, the idea of a default method was added to the rules for Java interfaces. A method with a body could be added to an interface, provided that it was marked with the default keyword. If a class implements that interface and has a public method that matches the default method, the class’s method will be used. However, if a class doesn’t have a matching method, the default method will be used, and the class will still compile.

Consider the following interface similar to the original Guitarist interface except that it contains a default tune() method.

public interface DefaultGuitarist {    
    void strumChord(Chord chord);
    void playMelody(Melody notes);
	default boolean tune() {
		System.out.println("Tuning guitar...");
		return true;

If a class implements DefaultGuitarist and includes its own tune() method, that method will satisfy the interface. On the other hand, a class that implements DefaultGuitarist without a tune() method will automatically include the tune() method given above, which prints a message about tuning and then returns true (presumably indicating that tuning was successful). The way that a class can supply a method that overrides a default method is very similar to the way that methods can be overridden with inheritance, as discussed in Section 11.3.4. Note that a default method must have a body.

An additional issue can arise with default methods when a class implements two or more interfaces that specify default methods with the same signature. Consider the following interface that also has a tune() method.

public interface DefaultEngine {    
    void start();
    int getRedline();
	default boolean tune() {
		System.out.println("Checking spark plugs...");
		return true;

By itself, this interface doesn’t cause any problems. However, when a class implements both it and DefaultGuitarist, there can be a conflict.

public class EngineGuitarist implements DefaultGuitarist, DefaultEngine {
	public void strumChord(Chord chord) {
		System.out.println("Rumbles out " + chord.getName() + "!");
	public void playMelody(Melody notes) {
		System.out.println("Plays " + notes.toString() + " revving at different RPMs!");
	public void start() {
		System.out.println("*Crank*, *crank*, *vroooom!*");
    public int getRedline() {
		return 7000;

This strange class is the template for an object that’s simultaneously an engine and a guitarist, implementing both DefaultGuitarist and DefaultEngine. It has public methods for strumChord() and playMelody(), satisfying the DefaultGuitarist interface. It also has public methods for start() and getRedline(), satisfying the DefaultEngine interface. But it’s received two different default methods for tune(), one that tunes like a guitarist and one that tunes like an engine. As a consequence, an EngineGuitarist object wouldn’t know which tune() to call and won’t compile as it’s written.

You’re allowed to create classes like EngineGuitarist that implement more than one interface with the same default method, but you need to create a tune() method inside EngineGuitarist to make clear what happens when tune() is called.

The use of default methods in interfaces is relatively rare, and situations where there are two conflicting default methods are rarer still. Even so, it’s important to understand how all the features of a language work. Note that it’s unlikely that you’ll be writing interfaces with default methods often, since their primary use is to add capabilities to existing interfaces without breaking classes that already use those interfaces.

10.3.2. Interfaces and static

When designing an interface, you can’t mark an abstract method static. One way to think about this rule is that interfaces specify actions (in the form of methods) that an object can do. Interfaces don’t specify requirements for a class, such as its static methods or its class variables. To illustrate, even with Chord and Melody defined, the following interface fails to compile.

public interface AbstractStaticGuitarist {
    void strumChord(Chord chord);
    void playMelody(Melody notes);
    static int getStrings();

However, in Java 8 and higher, non-abstract static methods are allowed in interfaces. Such methods aren’t promises that objects of a class must fulfill. Instead, they’re simply utility methods that perform some task associated with the interface.

public interface StaticGuitarist {
    void strumChord(Chord chord);
    void playMelody(Melody notes);
	static String nextNote(String note) {
		char letter = note.charAt(0);
		if(note.length() == 2) {
			if(note.charAt(1) == 'b')
				return "" + letter;
			else {
				switch(letter) {
				case 'B':
				case 'E':
					return letter + "#";
				case 'G':
					return "A";
					return "" + (letter + 1);
		else {
			switch(letter) {
			case 'B':
			case 'E':
				return "" + (letter + 1);
				return letter + "#";

This interface includes the method nextNote(), which takes a String representation of a note such as "D#" or "Bb" and returns a String with a representation of a note one half step higher. The rules for musical notes are somewhat complex, so this method is useful even when separate from any particular class that implements StaticGuitarist. The nextNote() method would be called just like any static method, using the name of its container StaticGuitarist followed by a dot followed by the name of the method itself.

String note = StaticGuitarist.nextNote("F");

Neither fields nor class variables are allowed in interfaces, so neither static nor default methods will ever change any data inside the interface. This is the fundamental difference between an interface and a class: Interfaces never contain state. Even so, class constants are allowed. Thus, we could define static final values that might be useful to any class implementing an interface. With Chord and Melody defined, the following interface will compile.

public interface ConstantGuitarist {    
    static final int MAJOR = 1;
    static final int NATURAL_MINOR = 2;
    static final int HARMONIC_MINOR = 3;
    static final int MELODIC_MINOR = 4;
    static final int CHROMATIC = 5;
    static final int PENTATONIC = 6;    

    void strumChord(Chord chord);
    void playMelody(Melody notes);    

Another source of confusion is that class variables will be both static and final by default in an interface, even if those keywords aren’t used.

Some Java users object to the use of constants in interfaces, since the purpose of an interface is to define a list of a requirements for objects of a class rather than dealing with data values. Nevertheless, constants are allowed in interfaces, and the Java API uses them in many cases.

Example 10.1 Supermarket pricing

Interface names often include the suffix -able, for example, Runnable, Callable, and Comparable. This suffix is typical because it reminds us that a class implementing an interface has some specific ability. Let’s consider an example in a supermarket in which the items could have very little in common with each other but they all have a price. We could define the interface Priceable as follows.

interface Priceable {
    double getPrice();

If bananas cost $0.49 a pound, we can define the Bananas class as follows.

public class Bananas implements Priceable {
    public static final double PRICE_PER_POUND = 0.49;
    private double weight;
    public Bananas(double weight) { this.weight = weight; }

    public double getPrice() {
        return weight*PRICE_PER_POUND;

If eggs are $1.50 for a dozen large eggs and $1.75 for a dozen extra large eggs, we can define the Eggs class as follows.

public class Eggs implements Priceable {
    public static final double PRICE_PER_DOZEN_LARGE = 1.5;
    public static final double PRICE_PER_DOZEN_EXTRA_LARGE = 1.75;
    private int dozens;
    private boolean extraLarge;
    public Eggs(int dozens, boolean extraLarge) {
        this.dozens = dozens;
        this.extraLarge = extraLarge;

    public double getPrice() {
            return dozens*PRICE_PER_DOZEN_EXTRA_LARGE;
            return dozens*PRICE_PER_DOZEN_LARGE;            

Finally, if water is $0.99 a gallon, we can define the Water class as follows.

public class Water implements Priceable {
    public static final double PRICE_PER_GALLON = 0.99; 
    private int gallons;    

    public Water(int gallons) { this.gallons = gallons; }     

    public double getPrice() { return gallons*PRICE_PER_GALLON; }

Each class could be much more complicated, but the code shown is all that’s needed to implement the Priceable interface. Even though there’s no clear relationship between bananas, eggs, and water, a shopping cart filled with these items (and any others implementing the Priceable interface) could easily be totaled at the register. If we represent the shopping cart as an array of Priceable items, we could write a simple method to total the values like so.

public static double getTotal(Priceable[] cart) {
    double total = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < cart.length; i++)
        total += cart[i].getPrice();

    return total;

Note that we can pass in Bananas, Eggs, Water, and many other kinds of objects in a Priceable array as long as they all implement this interface. Even though it’s impossible to create an object with an interface type, we can make as many references to it as we want.

10.4. Advanced: Local and anonymous classes

If you haven’t read Section 9.4, you may want to look over that material to be sure you understand what nested classes and inner classes are. Recall that a normal inner class is declared inside of another class, but it’s also legal to declare a class inside of a method. Such a class is called a local class. Under some circumstances, it’s useful to create an inner class with no name, called an anonymous class.

Both kinds of classes are inner classes. They can access fields and methods, even private ones. Like other inner classes, they’re not allowed to declare static variables other than constants. We bring up these special kinds of classes in this chapter because they’re commonly used to create a class with a narrow purpose that implements a required interface.

10.4.1. Local classes

A local class declaration looks like any other class declaration except that it occurs within a method. The name of a local class only has meaning inside the method where it’s defined. Because the scope of the name is only the method, a local class cannot have access modifiers such as public, private, or protected applied to it.

Consider the following method in which an Ellipse class is defined locally. Recall that an ellipse (or oval) has a major (long) axis and a minor (short) axis. The area of an ellipse is half its major axis times half its minor axis times π. (Because the major and minor axes of a circle are its diameter, this formula becomes πr2 in that case.)

Figure 10.1 Area of an ellipse.
public static void createEllipse(double a1, double a2) {
    class Ellipse {
        private double axis1;
        private double axis2;

        public Ellipse(double axis1, double axis2) {
            this.axis2 = axis2;
            this.axis1 = axis1;

        public double getArea() {
            return Math.PI*0.5*axis1*0.5*axis2;

	Ellipse e = new Ellipse(a1, a2);
    System.out.println("The ellipse has area " + e.getArea());

This Ellipse class cannot be referred to by any other methods. Since an Ellipse class might be useful in other code, a top-level class would make more sense than this local class. For that reason, local classes are not commonly used.

However, we can make local classes more useful if they implement interfaces. Consider the following interface which can be implemented by any shape that returns its area.

public interface AreaGettable {
    double getArea();

The method below takes an array of AreaGettable objects and sums their areas.

public static double sumAreas(AreaGettable[] shapes) {
    double sum  = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++)
        sum += shapes[i].getArea();

    return sum;

If we create a local class that implements AreaGettable, we can use it in conjunction with the sumAreas() method. In the following method, we expand the local Ellipse class in this way and fill an array with 100 Ellipse instances, which can then be passed to sumAreas().

public static void createEllipses() {
    class Ellipse implements AreaGettable {
        private double axis1;
        private double axis2;

        public Ellipse(double axis1, double axis2) {
            this.axis2 = axis2;
			this.axis1 = axis1;

        public double getArea() {
            return Math.PI*0.5*axis1*0.5*axis2;

    AreaGettable[] ellipses = new AreaGettable[100];
    for(int i = 0; i < ellipses.length; i++)
        ellipses[i] = new Ellipse(Math.random() * 25.0, Math.random() * 25.0);
    double sum = sumAreas(ellipses);

    System.out.println("The total area is " + sum);

Even though the Ellipse class had the getArea() method before, the compiler wouldn’t have allowed us to store Ellipse references in an AreaGettable array until we marked the Ellipse class as implementing AreaGettable. As in Example 10.1, we used an array with an interface type.

10.4.2. Anonymous classes

This second Ellipse class is more useful since objects with its type can be passed to other methods as an AreaGettable reference, but declaring the class locally provides few benefits over a top-level class. Indeed, local classes are seldom preferable to top-level classes. Although anonymous classes behave like local classes, they can be conveniently created at any point.

An anonymous class has no name. It’s created on the fly from some interface or parent class and can be stored into a reference with that type. In the following example, we modify the createEllipses() method so that it creates an anonymous class which behaves exactly like the Ellipse class and implements the AreaGettable interface.

public static void createEllipses() {
    AreaGettable[] ellipses = new AreaGettable[100];

    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        final double value1 = Math.random() * 25.0;
        final double value2 = Math.random() * 25.0;

        ellipses[i] = new AreaGettable() {
            private double axis1 = value1;
            private double axis2 = value2;

            public double getArea() {
                return Math.PI*0.5*axis1*0.5*axis2;

    double sum = sumAreas(ellipses);
    System.out.println("The total area is " + sum);

The syntax for creating an anonymous class is ugly. First, you use the new keyword followed by the name of the interface or parent class you want to create the anonymous class from. Next, you put the arguments to the parent class constructor inside of parentheses or leave empty parentheses for an interface. Finally, you open a set of braces and fill in the body for your anonymous class. When defining an anonymous class, the entire body is crammed into a single statement, and you will often need to complete that statement with a semicolon (;).

Anonymous classes don’t have constructors. If you need a constructor, you will have to create a local class. Constructors usually aren’t necessary since both local and anonymous classes can see local variables and fields and use those to initialize values. Although any fields can be used, local variables must be marked final (as shown above) if their values will be used by local or anonymous classes. This restriction prevents local variables from being changed in unpredictable ways by methods in the local class.

It might not be easy to see why anonymous classes are useful. Both the Java API and libraries written by other programmers have many methods that require parameters whose type implements a particular interface. Without anonymous classes, you’d have to define a whole named class and instantiate it just for that method, even if you never use it again.

Using anonymous classes, you can create such an object in one step, right where you need it. This practice is commonly used for creating listeners for GUIs. A listener is an object that does the right action when a particular event happens. If you need many different listeners in one program, it can be convenient to create anonymous classes that can handle each event rather than defining many named classes which each have a single, narrow purpose. We’ll use this technique in Chapter 16.

10.5. Solution: Sort it out

It’s not difficult to move from totaling the value of items as we did in Example 10.1 to sorting them. Refer to the following class diagram as we explain our solution to the sorting problem posed at the beginning of the chapter. Dotted lines are used to show the “implements” relationship.

Figure 10.2 Sorting relationships.

We’ll start with the definitions of the two interfaces we’ll use to compare objects.

public interface Ageable {
    int getAge();
public interface Weighable {
    double getWeight();

Classes implementing these two interfaces will be able to give their age and weight independently. The next step is to create the Dog, Cat, Person, and Cheese classes which implement them.

We’ll see in Chapter 11 that the Dog, Cat, and Person classes could inherit from a common ancestor (such as Creature or Mammal) which implements the Ageable and Weighable interfaces. That design could reduce the total amount of code needed. For now, each class will have to implement both interfaces directly.

public class Dog implements Ageable, Weighable {
    private int age;
    private double weight;  
    public Dog(int age, double weight) {
        this.age = age;
        this.weight = weight;
    public int getAge() { return age*7; }
    public double getWeight() { return weight; }
public class Cat implements Ageable, Weighable {
    private int age;
    private double weight;  
    public Cat(int age, double weight) {
        this.age = age;
        this.weight = weight;
    public int getAge() { return age/9; }
    public double getWeight() { return weight; }   
public class Person implements Ageable, Weighable {
    private int age;
    private double weight;  
    public Person(int age, double weight) {
        this.age = age;
        this.weight = weight;
    public int getAge() { return age; }
    public double getWeight() { return weight; }   
public class Cheese implements Ageable, Weighable {
    private int age;
    private double weight;
    private String type;
    public Cheese(int age, double weight, String type) {
        this.age = age;
        this.weight = weight;
        this.type = type;
    public int getAge() { return age; }
    public double getWeight() { return weight; }
    public String getType() { return type; }

With the classes in place, we can assume that client code will instantiate some objects and perform operations on them. All that’s necessary is to write the method that will do the sorting. We can wrap the bubble sort code given earlier in a method body with only a few changes to generalize the sort beyond int values.

public void sort(Object[] array, boolean age) {
    boolean swapped = true;
    Object temp;
    while(swapped) {
        swapped = false;
        for(int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++)
            if(outOfOrder(array[i], array[i + 1], age) {
                temp = array[i];
                array[i] = array[i + 1];
                array[i + 1] = temp;
                swapped = true;

In this method, the boolean age is true if we’re sorting by age and false if we’re sorting by weight. Note that the array elements and temp have the Object type. Recall that any object can be stored in a reference of type Object.

The only other change we needed was to replace the greater-than comparison (>) with the outOfOrder() method, which we define below.

public boolean outOfOrder(Object o1, Object o2, boolean age) {
    if(age) {
        Ageable age1 = (Ageable)o1;
        Ageable age2 = (Ageable)o2;
        return age1.getAge() > age2.getAge();
    else {
        Weighable weight1 = (Weighable)o1;
        Weighable weight2 = (Weighable)o2;
        return weight1.getWeight() > weight2.getWeight();

Even though we’ve designed our program for objects that implement both the Ageable and Weighable interfaces, the compiler only sees Object references in the array. Thus, we must cast each object to the appropriate interface type to do the comparison. There’s a danger that a user will pass in an array with objects which do not implement both Ageable and Weighable, causing a ClassCastException. To allow for universal sorting methods, the Java API defines a Comparable interface which can be implemented by any class which requires sorting. With Java 5 and higher, the Comparable interface uses generics to be more type-safe, but we won’t discuss how to use this interface until we cover generics in Chapter 19.

10.6. Concurrency: Interfaces

As we discussed in Section 10.2, implementing an interface means promising to have public methods with the signatures specified in the interface definition. Making a promise seems only tangentially related to having multiple threads of execution. Indeed, interfaces and concurrency do not overlap a great deal, but there are two important areas where they affect one another.

The first is that a special interface called the Runnable interface can be used to create new threads of execution. Runnable is a very simple interface, containing the single signature void run(). Essentially, any object with a run() method that takes no arguments and returns no values can be used to create a thread of execution. Just as a regular program has a single starting place, the main() method, some method needs to be marked as a starting place for additional threads. For more information about using the Runnable interface, refer to Section 14.4.5.

The second connection between interfaces and concurrency is more philosophical. What can you specify in an interface? The rules for interfaces in Java are relatively limited: You can require a class to have a public instance method with specific parameters and a specific return type. Java interfaces don’t allow you to require a static method.

In Chapter 15, we will discuss a key way to make classes thread-safe by using the synchronized keyword. Like static, Java does not allow an interface to specify whether a method is synchronized. Thus, it’s impossible to use an interface to guarantee that a method will be thread-safe.

As with all interface usage, this restriction cuts both ways: If you’re designing an interface, there’s no way to guarantee that implementing classes use synchronized methods. On the other hand, if you’re implementing an interface, the designer may hope that your class uses synchronized (or otherwise thread-safe) methods, but the interface cannot force you to do so. Whenever thread-safety is an issue, make sure you read (or write) the documentation carefully. Since there’s no way to force programmers to use the synchronized keyword, the documentation may be the only guide.

10.7. Exercises

Conceptual Problems

  1. What’s the purpose of an interface?

  2. Why implement an interface when it puts additional requirements on a class yet adds no functionality?

  3. Is it legal to have methods marked private or protected in an interface? Why did the designers of Java make this choice?

  4. What’s the instanceof keyword used for? Why is it useful in the context of interfaces?

  5. What kind of programming error causes a ClassCastException?

  6. Create an interface called ColorWavelengths that only contains constants storing the wavelengths in nanometers for each of the seven colors of light, as given below.

    Color Wavelength (nm)















  7. Write an interface called Clock that specifies the functionality a clock should have. Remember that the classes that implement the clock may tell time in different ways (hourglass, water clock, mechanical movement, atomic clock), but they must share the basic functionality you specify.

  8. There are four compiler errors in the following interface. Name each one and explain why it’s an error.

    public interface Singable {
        public int SOPRANO = 1;
        public static int ALTO = 2;
        public void sing();
        private String chant();
        public boolean hasDeepVoice() {
            return false;
        public static boolean hasPerfectPitch();
        public synchronized void tune(int frequency);
  9. Consider the interface defined below.

    public interface Explodable {
        boolean explode(double megatons);

    Which of the following classes properly implement Explodable?

    public class Dynamite implements Explodable {
        public boolean explode() {
            return true;
    public class AtomicBomb implements Explodable {
        public boolean explode(double size) {
            System.out.println("A huge " + size + " megaton blast shakes the earth!");
            return true;
    public class Grenade {
        public boolean explode(double megatons) {
            return true;
    public class Firecracker implements Explodable {
        private boolean explode(double megatons) {
            return (megatons < 0.0000001);
  10. Write a single class that correctly implements the following three interfaces.

    public interface Laughable {
        boolean laugh(int times);
    public interface Cryable {
        void cry(int tears, boolean moaning);
    public interface Shoutable {
        void shout(double volume, String words);
  11. If you’re sorting a list of items n elements long using bubble sort, what’s the minimum number of passes you’d need to be sure the list is sorted, assuming the worst possible ordering of items to start with? (Hint: Imagine the list is in backward order.) What’s the minimum number of passes if the list is already sorted?

Programming Practice

  1. Add client code that randomly creates the objects needing sorting in the solution from Section 10.5. Design and include additional classes Wine and Tortoise that both implement Ageable and Weighable. Add toString() methods to each class so that their contents can be easily output. Make sure you print out the list of objects after sorting to test your implementation.

  2. Refer to the sort given as a solution in Section 10.5. Add another boolean to the parameters of the sort which specifies whether the sort is ascending or descending. Make the needed changes throughout the code to add this functionality.

  3. After learning about threads in Chapter 14, refer to the simple bubble sort from Section 10.1. The goal is now to parallelize the sort. Write some code which will generate an array of random int values. Design your code so that you can spawn n threads. Partition the single array into n arrays and map one partition to each thread. Use your bubble sort implementation to sort each partition. Finally, merge the arrays back together, in sorted order, into one final array. For now, use just one thread (ideally the main thread) to do the merge.

    The merge operation is a simple idea, but it’s easy to make mistakes in its implementation. The idea is to have three indexes, one for each of the two arrays you’re merging and one for the result array. Always take the smaller (or larger, if sorting in descending order) element value from the two arrays and put it in the result. Then increment the index from the array you took the data from as well as the index of the result array. Be careful not to go beyond the end of the arrays which are being merged. An implementation of merging can be found in Example 20.8.


  1. Once you have implemented the sort in parallel from Exercise 10.14, time it against the sequential version. Try two, four, and eight different threads. Be sure to create one random array and use copies of the original array for both the parallel and sequential versions. Be careful not to sort an array that’s already sorted! Try array sizes of 1,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000. Did the performance increase? Was it as much as you expected?